In the fall and spring, at a time designated by the university registrar, each student must register through the Rutgers Touchtone Telephone Registration System (RTTRS) or the web registration system, selecting courses previously approved by his or her adviser. Both systems are accessible Monday through Friday from 6:30 a.m. to midnight and on Saturday from 6: 30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The access numbers for RTTRS are 732/445-1999, 973/353-1999, or 856/225-1999. The web registration address is
Students who fail to register during the initial period described above may register during the late registration period or the first five class days of the term and will be required to pay a $50 late registration fee. Students are not considered registered until final arrangements have been made to pay their term bills and satisfy any other outstanding financial obligations.