Chairperson: I. Brick
Vice Chairperson: O. Palmon
James L. Bicksler, Ph.D., New York
Ivan E. Brick, B.A., Yeshiva; Ph.D., Columbia
Michael A. Crew, B.Com., Birmingham; Ph.D., Bradford
Lawrence Fisher, B.A., Pomona College; Ph.D., Chicago
Ronald Harstad, B.A., Michigan; Ph.D., Pennsylvania
Mahmud Hassan, M.A., Boston; M.B.A., Indiana; Ph.D., Vanderbilt
Cheng-few Lee, B.A., M.A., National Taiwan; M.S., West Virginia; Ph.D., SUNY (Buffalo)
W. Giles Mellon, B.A., Virginia; Ph.D., Princeton
Paul Nadler, A.B., Brown; M.A., Wisconsin; Ph.D., New York
Abraham Ravid, B.S., Tel Aviv; Ph.D., Cornell
Associate Professors:
Mark Castelino, B.S., Bombay; M.S., Pratt; Ph.D., CUNY (Baruch College)
Ren-Raw Chen, B.A., National Taiwan; M.S., Ph.D., Illinois (Urbana-Champaign)
Sharon Gifford, B.A., Florida; Ph.D., New York
Dongcheol Kim, B.I.E., Seoul National; M.S., Ph.D., Michigan
Farrokh Langdana, B.Tech., M.B.A., M.A., Kanpur; Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Michael Long, B.S., Western Michigan; M.P.A., Georgia; Ph.D., Purdue
Oded Palmon, B.S., Technion; M.A., Ph.D., Chicago
Robert Patrick, B.A., Blackburn College; Ph.D., New Mexico
Menahem Spiegel, B.A., Hebrew; M.A., Ph.D., Chicago
Emilio Venezian, B.Eng., McGill; M.S., Ph.D., California Institute of Technology
Yangru Wu, Ph.D., Ohio State
Assistant Professors:
Young-Hye Cho, B.A., M.A., Yonsei (Seoul); Ph.D., California (San Diego)
Guo Ying Luo, B.S., EMG, Science and Technology (Beijing); Ph.D., McMaster
Dilip Patro, B.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology; M.S., Ph.D., Maryland (College Park)
Tavy Ronen, B.A., Wesleyan; M.Phil., New York; Ph.D., New York (Stern School of Business)
Ben Sopranzetti, B.S.E.E., Rutgers; M.S.E., Drexel; Ph.D., Illinois (Urbana-Champaign)
John Wald, B.A., Yale; Ph.D., California (Berkeley)