Proficiency in English, mathematics, and foreign language must be demonstrated as follows:
English. By examination. A placement examination in English is required of entering students who have not received transfer credit for a college-level writing course equivalent to 01:355:101 Expository Writing I or 01:355:201 Research in the Disciplines.
Satisfactory completion of 01:355:101 or its equivalent is a requirement for graduation.
Continued evidence of competence in written English is expected of all students. Students whose writing fails to communicate effectively on a level appropriate for a college student may be failed for this reason alone. Faculty regulations direct instructors to report to the Department of English those students who are seriously defective in written expression. In the case of such referral, a student may be required, even though he or she has passed 01:355:101 Expository Writing I and 01:355:201 Research in the Disciplines, to repeat those courses or to enroll for remedial instruction.
Mathematics. By (1) offering 3 units of secondary school work in college preparatory mathematics including Algebra II or higher, or (2) examination, or (3) the completion of one year of noncredit preparatory mathematics. Entry to certain mathematics courses is determined by performance on a mathematics placement test administered by the Department of Mathematics.
Continued evidence of competence in the use of mathematics is expected of all students in those courses in which it is needed. Students who clearly demonstrate a lack of competence are reported to the Department of Mathematics. A student whose mathematics proficiency continues to be unsatisfactory, even though he or she has completed a mathematics course required for the degree, may be required to repeat that course or to enroll for noncredit instruction.
Foreign Language. By (1) offering 2 units of secondary school work in a foreign language, or (2) examination, or (3) the completion with credit of both terms of a first-year, college-level foreign language course.
Students who have not completed the proficiency requirements within two years after admission to University College are restricted to scheduling only those courses that satisfy the proficiency requirements.