Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School New Brunswick
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Graduate Study at the University
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Academic Policies and Procedures
Degree Requirements
Doctor of Philosophy
Residence Requirements
Transfer of Credit
Language Requirements
Program of Study
Academic Standing
Admission to Candidacy: The Qualifying Examination
Dissertation and Dissertation Committee
Final Examination
Application for the Conferral of the Degree
Publication of Dissertation and Academic Data
Calendar for the Doctoral Degree Program
Master of Philosophy
Master of Arts/Master of Science
Master of Arts for Teachers/Master of Science for Teachers
Time Limits for Degrees
Thesis and Dissertation Preparation
Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Research Centers and Institutes
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Graduate School–New Brunswick 2014–2016 Degree Requirements Doctor of Philosophy Transfer of Credit  

Transfer of Credit

Graduate courses completed at other institutions may be accepted for credit toward a doctorate at the university if they meet three conditions. First, they normally must form part of the student's field of concentration. Second, the student must have been registered in these courses within the preceding six years. In some instances, however, the dean can waive this requirement if the student can show he or she has kept abreast of the subject matter in question. Finally, the student must have earned a grade of B or better in these courses. Graduate credit may not be transferred until 12 credits of graduate courses with grades of B or better have been completed in the Graduate School–New Brunswick as a matriculated student. The maximum number of credits a student may transfer is 50 percent of the total number of course credits in his or her program, exclusive of research. In no case, however, may this total exceed 24 credits. The faculty of a graduate program may recommend the transfer of credits earned at a professional or graduate school elsewhere toward a Ph.D. in the Graduate School–New Brunswick. No credit may be transferred for thesis-related research work, coursework done as independent study, or coursework that was not graded with an A or B. Other letter or numerical grades are eligible for transfer if the student earned the equivalent grade of B or better and if he or she submits a letter from the instructor of the course testifying to that equivalence. See the Academic Policies and Procedures chapter for additional information.

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