191 Ryders Lane, Douglass Campus
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8557
Telephone: 732/932-9384; Fax: 732/932-6778
Ruth B. Mandel, Director
The Eagleton Institute of Politics (EIP) explores state and nationalpolitics through research, education, and public service. It also linksthe study of politics with its day-to-day practice. The institutefocuses on how contemporary political systems work, how they change,and how they might work better. Eagleton's faculty, centers, andprograms specialize in the study of state legislatures; public opinionpolling and survey research; women's participation in politics; raceand politics; campaigns, elections, and political parties; civiceducation and political engagement; and New Jersey politics. Theinstitute includes the Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP)and the Center for Public Interest Polling (CPIP), both established inthe early 1970s. For Rutgers graduate and undergraduate students,Eagleton offers a range of education programs, including anundergraduate certificate, graduate fellowships, researchassistantships and internships, and opportunities to interact withpolitical practitioners. The institute also convenes conferences andother forums for the general public. In addition, Eagleton undertakesprojects to enhance political understanding and involvement, often incollaboration with politicians, government agencies, the media,nonprofit groups, and other academic institutions.
Thomas A. Edison Papers
16 Seminary Place, College Avenue Campus
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1108
Telephone: 732/932-8511; Fax: 732/932-7554
Paul B. Israel, Director
The Thomas A. Edison Papers is an institute devoted to the selectivepublication of the more than five million pages of notebooks,correspondence, patent materials, and legal records of Thomas A. Edisonand his associates. The Edison Papers is cosponsored by Rutgers, TheState University of New Jersey, the National Park Service, the NewJersey Historical Commission, and the Smithsonian Institution. Tenfull-time faculty members associated with the institute do research onEdison and also a broad range of historical issues from the 19th and20th centuries.
Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute (EOHSI)
170 Frelinghuysen Road, Busch Campus
Piscataway, NJ 08854-8020
Telephone: 732/445-0200; Fax: 732/445-0131
Deborah Cory-Siechta, Director
Herbert Lowndes, Associate Director
The Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute (EOHSI) issponsored jointly by Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, andthe University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey-Robert WoodJohnson Medical School. The institute houses a select group ofscientists, physicians, educators, and policy researchers who focus onthe serious health effects of environmental pollutants. Institutemembers investigate ways in which people are exposed to chemicals,study how chemicals react in the body, educate the public about risksfrom chemical exposure, and help formulate policies to protect humanhealth. EOHSI is comprised of six divisions: toxicology, publiceducation and risk communication, occupational health, exposuremeasurement and assessment, environmental health, and environmentalpolicy. In 1988, EOHSI became the site of the first National Institutesof Health (NIH) center of excellence in New Jersey, one of only 20 suchcenters funded by NIH to facilitate multidisciplinary research onhealth problems posed by environmental exposures.