CoRE Building
96 Frelinghuysen Road, Busch Campus
Piscataway, NJ 08854-8018
Telephone: 732/445-5928; Fax: 732/445-5932
Fred S. Roberts, Director
The Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science(DIMACS) is a National Science Foundation Science and TechnologyCenter. It also is supported by the New Jersey Commission on Scienceand Technology, and is a consortium of Rutgers and PrincetonUniversities and AT&T Labs-Research, Bell Labs, TelcordiaTechnologies, and NEC Research. DIMACS offers workshops, seminars, andtutorials, hosts postdoctoral fellows and graduate students, and runsprecollege and undergraduate programs to address topics of scientificimportance. Recent sample topics include discrete and computationalgeometry, complexity theory of interactive computing, graph theory andalgorithms, combinatorial optimization, massively parallel computing,mathematical support for molecular biology, logic and algorithms,networks, discrete probability, massive data sets, DNA computing,large-scale discrete optimization, computational intractability, nextgeneration networks, and computational biology. Future topics includedata mining, computational information theory and coding, andcomputational geometry and applications.