Foran Hall
59 Dudley Road, Cook Campus
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8520
Telephone: 732/932-8165; Fax: 732/932-6535
Gerben J. Zylstra, Director
The Biotechnology Center for Agriculture and the Environment (BIOTECH) is an integral part of the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station. BIOTECH carries out research and training in molecular biology applied to agriculture and the environment and transfers new discoveries into practice and product development. Research on plant systems is concerned with fungal and viral disease resistance, sulfate metabolism, natural products and the regulation of plant development, turfgrass transformation, and the use of plants to remedy heavy metal and radionuclide pollution. Bioremediation research also seeks new tools and methods to degrade industrial and other toxic wastes using aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms to minimize pollution on land, freshwater, coastal, and offshore marine environments.