16:375:501(F) Environmental Science Analysis (3) Physical, chemical, and biochemical processes utilized to treat municipal wastewaters. Process mechanisms, treatment efficiencies, and their relationship to wastewater quality; techniques utilized to obtain maximum efficiency. |
16:375:502(S) Stream Sanitation (3) Principles of biological stabilization of pollution materials in streams; factors influencing atmosphere reaeration; changes in biological populations in polluted waters. Genetelli |
16:375:503(F) Analytical Techniques in Environmental Chemistry (3) Theory and techniques of analytical procedures applicable to research in environmental science. Prerequisite: 11:375:405 or permission of instructor. |
16:375:504(S) Waste Treatment II: Water Treatment (3) Chemical, physical, and biological factors affecting development of water supplies; water quality; municipal and industrial water treatment processes consisting of removal of particulate matter, softening, disinfection, corrosion control, iron and manganese removal, aeration, deaeration, and taste and odor removal. |
16:375:505(S) Waste Treatment II: Water Treatment Laboratory (1) Experiments demonstrating water treatment processes. Lab. 3 hrs. Corequisite: 16:375:504. |
16:375:506(S) Waste Treatment III: Industrial Wastes (2) Industrial waters; industrial processes and sources of wastes; composition, characteristics, and effects; methods of treatment, disposal, and recovery. Prerequisite: 16:375:501. |
16:375:507(F) Environmental Chemistry (3) Equilibria: acid-base, dissolution and precipitation, multi- phase; oxidation-reduction in aquatic systems; elements of chemical thermodynamics. |
16:375:509(F) Groundwater Pollution (3) Principles of groundwater hydrology and pollution. Development of mathematical formulations for describing pollutant movement in groundwater systems. Examination of control measures. Discussion of case studies. Uchrin. Prerequisites: 16:375:504 and 541, or permission of instructor. |
16:375:510(S) Environmental and Pollution Microbiology (3) Microorganisms in carbon, nitrogen, sulfur cycling, biogeochemical processes, and water and wastewater treatment systems; biodegradation strategies and pathways; and bioremediation of toxic contaminants in the environment. Kukor, Young. Prerequisite: Introductory course in microbiology or permission of instructor. |
16:375:512(F) Pollution Microbiology Laboratory (2) Laboratory exercises paralleling 16:375:510. Lab. 6 hrs. Corequisite: 16:375:510. |
16:375:516(S) Ultimate Disposal and Resource Recovery of Sludges and Solid Waste (3) Description and application of advanced technology for treatment, resource recovery, and ultimate disposal of sludges and solid wastes from municipal, industrial, and agricultural sources; techniques of theory of operation, process design, application, and performance; environmental and socioeconomic implications. |
16:375:517Applications of Aquatic Chemistry (3) Thermodynamics and kinetics of the chemical and biological processes that control the composition of natural and engineered waters, including gas and solid dissolution, chemical complexation, oxidation-reduction, adsorption, photosynthesis, aerobic and anaerobic respiration, biomineralization, and bioaccumulation. The component-tableau approach used to solve equilibrium problems and the computer program MINEQL to study complex aquatic systems. Reinfelder |
16:375:518(S) Principles of Environmental Science (3) Principles and interaction associated with air environment, water environment, and environmental health, including air resources management, water resources management, and their impact on man. Related fundamentals of environmental chemistry, biology, and physics. |
16:375:519(F) Wetland Ecology (3) Survey of the ecology, management, and utilization of wetlands. Topics include the hydrology, soils, biogeochemistry, flora, fauna, and ecosystem dynamics of the major types of wetlands. Waste-water application, wetland creation, wildlife management, wetland assessment and delineation, and conservation also discussed. Ehrenfeld. Prerequisites: 11:704:351 or equivalent, and permission of instructor. |
16:375:520(S) Techniques for Biomonitoring in Aquatic Ecosystems (3) Discussion of techniques used to monitor for the presence of trace contaminants in aquatic ecosystems and to assess the effects of contaminants on the structure and function of these ecosystems. Prerequisite: 16:375:519 or permission of instructor. |
16:375:522(S) Environmental Organic Chemistry (3) Transport and transformations of anthropogenic organic chemicals in the environment; chemical-physical properties of organic chemicals, air-water and air-land exchange, atmospheric processes and deposition, sorption processes, bioaccumulation, chemical transformation, photochemical transformations, modeling concepts, case studies. Eisenreich. Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. |
16:375:523(F) Environmental Fate and Transport (3) Fate and transport of chemicals, chemical exposures in aquatic systems, and prediction of future conditions. Water quality problems introduced by addition of nutrients and oxygen-demanding material, metals, and toxic organic chemicals to water, soil, and air. Models to assess environmental mobility and predict scenarios. New paradigm of "environmental indicators" to assess environmental quality emphasized. Eisenreich, Uchrin. Corequisites: 11:375:444 or 451 or equivalent; CALC1, CALC2. |
16:375:524(F) Source Control of Atmospheric Pollution (3) Principles, operation, performance, and application of methods and devices to control aerosol and gaseous emissions. Turpin. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. |
16:375:525(F) Principles of Solid-Waste Management and Treatment (3) Solid-waste problems in the municipal, industrial, and agricultural areas. Interrelationships with other environmental problems; socioeconomic aspects; present state-of-the-art techniques. Quality and quantity variations, treatment and management systems; recycling, source control. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. |
16:375:526(S) Limnology of Urban and Suburban Waters (3) Study of waters stressed by population, development, wastes; emphasis on biological characterization of urban and suburban waters. Keating. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. |
16:375:529(F) Biodegradation and Bioremediation (3) Basic principles of biodegradation science and bioremediation technology; microbiological, chemical, environmental, engineering, and technological aspects; fate and persistence of contaminants in complex environmental matrices; and microbial transformation and destruction of pollutants. |
16:375:530(S) Hazardous Waste Management (3) Overview of hazardous waste management. Case histories; legislation and regulations; treatment, disposal, and cleanup technologies; sampling and analysis methodologies; persistence and fate in the environment; emergency response procedures. Strom. Prerequisite: 16:375:525 or permission of instructor. |
16:375:531(F) Biological Waste Treatment (3) Advanced topics in biological waste treatment, particularly activated sludge, focusing on microbial ecosystems. Strom. Prerequisites: 16:375:501 and 510, or permission of instructor. |
16:375:532(F) Atmospheric Physics (3) The atmospheric physics of gravitation, clouds and aerosols, precipitation, energy and momentum transfer, solar and terrestrial radiation, optics, acoustics, and electricity that play a role in the atmosphere. Veron. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. |
16:375:533(F) Water Law (3) Examination of the water law doctrines and institutions that affect water resources management. Topics include water rights, water resources development, instream uses, and water pollution control. |
16:375:535(F) Environmental Law and Policy (3) Legal and political interactions and intermediate institutional structures between environmental law and policy, with a focus on pollution-control law. |
16:375:537(F) Large-Scale Weather Systems (3) Applied dynamics of the atmosphere, including the theory and observations of cyclone development, vertical motion, jet streams, fronts, and synoptic-scale circulation systems. Harnack. Prerequisites: 11:670:201, 202, 11:670:323, 324, or equivalent. |
16:375:538(S) Mesoscale Weather Systems (3) Description, dynamics, and prediction of moist convective weather systems, such as supercells, mesoscale convective complexes, squall lines, and other multicellular storms. Harnack. Prerequisites: 11:670:323, 324 or equivalent. |
16:375:539(F) Introduction to Radiative Transfer in the Atmosphere and Ocean (3) Theory and simple models of radiative transfer in the ocean and atmosphere. Current research utilizing these techniques, including modeling clouds, aerosols and climate, and environmental remote sensing. Veron. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. |
16:375:540(S) Atmospheric Chemistry (3) Air pollutants, trace gases, and aerosols discussed in terms of their observed distribution in time and space; sources and sinks in the atmosphere and its boundaries; budgets and cycles. Emphasis on tropospheric chemical reactions. Zhang. Prerequisite: 11:375:421 or permission of instructor. |
16:375:541(S) Environmental Models (3) Development and applications of environmental models discussed in terms of their ability to simulate and predict the workings of environmental systems and to communicate information and trade-offs between economic and conservation goals. Uchrin |
16:375:542(S) Aerosol Sciences (3) Topics include the dynamics, kinometics, and size characteristics of aerosols; methods for analysis of distribution and morphology; chemistry and physics of the formation of aerosols. Lioy. Prerequisite: Calculus. Recommended: Differential equations. |
16:375:543(S) Micrometeorology (3) Theory of energy fluxes near and on both sides of the earth`s surface, including sensible and latent heat transfer in the atmospheric boundary layer and soil-heat transfer; temperature, wind, and humidity structure of the boundary layer and the temperature structure of soil; experimental methods and equipment in micrometeorology. Prerequisite: 11:670:324 or equivalent. |
16:375:544(S) Modeling of Climatic Change (3) Climate models, including energy-balance, radiative-convective, and general circulation models. Actual practice running climate models and analyzing output. Robock, Stenchikov. Prerequisites: At least one graduate course in meteorology, oceanography, or physical geography. Knowledge of a high-level programming language, such as FORTRAN or C. |
16:375:545(F) Physical Climatology (3) The climate system, surface-energy balance, past climate variations, climate-feedback mechanisms, climate modeling, causes of climate change, detection and attribution of anthropogenic climate change. Robock. Prerequisite: A basic course in meteorology or climatology. |
16:375:546(S) Air Pollution Meteorology (3) Theory and applications of air pollution dispersion modeling. Meteorological effects on and by cooling towers. Effects of pollutants on meteorological parameters. Prerequisites: 11:670:323, 324, or equivalent. |
16:375:547(F) Atmospheric Boundary Layer Dynamics (3) Basic governing equations in the atmospheric boundary layer and their application to turbulent flow, including turbulent kinetic energy, turbulence closure techniques, forcing, and stability. Prerequisite: 11:670:324 or equivalent. |
16:375:548(S) Atmospheric Numerical Modeling (3) Basic governing equations in the atmosphere, simplification, and scaling; parameterization of turbulence, radiation, and clouds; numerical methods for the solution of the mathematical system; boundary and initial conditions; evaluations of atmospheric models. Prerequisite: 16:375:547 or equivalent. |
16:375:549(F) Applied Climatology (3) Critical use of statistics as applied to climatology; analysis of meteorological time series. Application of various statistical distributions to regional climate diagnostics. Dynamic air mass analysis. Prerequisites: 11:670:323, 324 or equivalent, one term of statistics, or permission of instructor. |
16:375:550(S) Large-Scale Climate Diagnostics (3) Observed characteristics of the general circulation of the atmosphere and surface layer of the oceans; atmospheric energetics; empirical studies of large-scale, air-sea interactions, tropical- midlatitude interactions, and recent climatic fluctuations; empirical methods of short-range climate prediction. Harnack. Prerequisite: 16:375:549. |
16:375:551(S) Remote Sensing of the Ocean and Atmosphere (3) Theoretical basis of remote sensing. Methods, instruments, and their application to observations of ocean and atmosphere. Remote sensing of oceanic parameters such as temperature, salinity, currents, sea state, turbidity and pollutants, and atmospheric parameters such as temperature, water vapor, cloud cover, wind speeds, and pollutants. Miller. Prerequisite: 11:670:323 or equivalent. |
16:375:552(F) Soil Genesis and Morphology (3) Soil-forming processes in various climatic regions as evidenced by chemical, physical, and mineralogical characteristics of the profile. System of classification and literature review. |
16:375:554(S) Soil and Plant Relationships (3) Selected topics related to factors affecting the chemical environment of the plant. Prerequisite: 11:375:452. |
16:375:555(F) Soil Physics (3) Study of transport processes of energy and matter through soils. Relationships between the movement of water; the transport of heat, gas, and solute; and the physical properties of soils. Gimenez. Lec. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. |
16:375:559(S) Soil Management and Crop Production (3) Influence of land management systems and cultural practices on soil productivity and environmental quality. |
16:375:561(F) Soil Chemistry (3) Structural chemistry, formation mechanisms, chemical properties, weathering, and surface reactions of major soil components: silicates, aluminum hydroxides, and iron oxides. Lec. 2 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. |
16:375:568(S) Topics in Soil Chemistry (3) Chemistry of phosphate, potassium, and carbonate in soils; soil acidity and amendments; oxidation-reduction; ion exchange equilibria; pollution of the soils environment. |
16:375:573(S) Topics in Soil Organic Matter (3) Role of organic matter in soil, extraction and analysis of soil organic matter, biodegradation and synthesis of humic and fulvic acids; biological and ecological aspects. Tate |
16:375:584(S) Topics in Radiation Biology (3) Current literature of radiation biology. |
16:375:589,590Seminar in Radiation Science (1,1) Topics of current interest. |
16:375:598(S) Special Topics in Radiological Health (3) Advanced topics of current interest, background radiation levels, radiation exposure standards, external and internal radiation exposure limits, medical radiation exposure and protection, space radiation problems, environmental radioactivity. Prerequisite: 16:375:591. |
16:375:601Experimental Problems in Radiological Health (2) Series of problems requiring literature search, field and laboratory exercises, and written reports. Typical problems: reactor radiation survey, X-ray installation survey, environmental sample analysis. Laboratory and fieldwork. Prerequisite: Completion of all other courses in the radiological health or health physics program. Offered in Summer Session only. |
16:375:603,604Independent Study in Meteorology (BA,BA) The student conducts an independent comprehensive literature review and investigation of meteorological areas of interest other than the thesis topic. Regular reports of progress made in conference. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. |
16:375:605,606Special Topics in Meteorology (3,3) Selected topics in meteorology. Current literature and recent advances. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. |
16:375:612,613Seminar in Environmental Science (0,0) |
16:375:625,626Advanced Special Problems (BA,BA) |
16:375:635Experimental Problems in Environmental Science (BA) |
16:375:651,652Seminar in Soil Science (1,1) |
16:375:671,672Seminar in Meteorology (1,1) Review of recent advances in meteorology. Prerequisites: 11:670:323, 324, or equivalent. |
16:375:701,702Research in Environmental Science (BA,BA) Research in water pollution, water and wastewater treatment, air pollution, and aquatic microbiology. |