Alan Appleby, Professor Emeritus of Radiation Science, CC; Ph.D., Durham
Radiation chemistry; radiation interactions at the molecular level
Tamar Barkay, Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Microbiology, CC; Ph.D., Maryland
Microbial transformation of metals
Anthony Broccoli, Associate Professor of Environmental Science, CC; Ph.D., Rutgers
Climate modeling, climate change
Brian T. Buckley, Administrative Director of Laboratories, EOSHI; Ph.D., North Carolina State
Analytical chemistry of environmental science
Joanna Burger, Professor of Biology, FAS-NB, and of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources, CC; Ph.D., Minnesota
Behavioral ecology, ecotoxicology, ecological risk
Marcos Cheney, Assistant Professor of Environmental Science, CC; Ph.D., California (Davis)
Degradation of xenobiotic organic compounds on mineral surfaces and in soil environments
Keith R. Cooper, Professor of Toxicology, CC; Ph.D., Rhode Island
Xenobiotic metabolism and diseases of aquatic animals; animal models
Joan G. Ehrenfeld, Professor of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources, CC; Ph.D., CUNY
Wetland ecology, soil ecology, ecosystems ecology, pollution impacts on ecosystems
Steven J. Eisenreich, Professor of Environmental Science, CC; Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison)
Environmental organic chemistry of surface atmosphere and lakes/estuaries; fate and transport of organic compounds
Paul G. Falkowski, Assistant Professor of Geological Sciences and Marine and Coastal Sciences, CC; Ph.D., British Columbia
Evolution and ecology of marine phytoplankton and symbiotic algae
Donna E. Fennell, Assistant Professor of Environmental Engineering, CC; Ph.D., Cornell
Bioremediation; wastewater treatment; bioprocess modeling; anaerobic processes
Melvin S. Finstein, Professor Emeritus of Environmental Science, CC; Ph.D., California (Berkeley)
Pollution microbiology; waste treatment composting as a controlled system
Susan E. Ford, Assistant Research Professor of Oyster Culture, CC; Ph.D., Duke
Invertebrate pathology/parasitology; genetics and mechanisms of
resistance to pathogens; physiological ecology of estuarine organisms
Jennifer Francis, Assistant Research Professor of Marine and Coastal Sciences, CC; Ph.D., Washington
Polar meteorology, remote sensing, air-sea-ice energy transfer
Michael A. Gallo, Professor of Environmental and Community Medicine, UMDNJ-RWJMS; Ph.D., Albany Medical College
Food additives; phototoxins; dermatotoxicology
Emil J. Genetelli, Professor Emeritus of Environmental Science, CC; Ph.D., Rutgers
Biological wastewater treatment processes
Panos Georgopoulos,
Associate Professor of Environmental and Community Health, UMDNJ-RWJMS;
Ph.D., California Institute of Technology
Environmental modeling
Daniel Gimenez, Assistant Professor of Environmental Science, CC; Ph.D., Minnesota
Soil structure; water movement and solute transport through soils; soil quality
William Goldfarb, Professor of Environmental Science, CC; Ph.D., Columbia
Environmental water resources; hazardous substances law and policy
Fred Grassle, Director, Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, CC; Ph.D., Duke
Ecology of marine bottom-dwelling organisms
Max M. Haggblom, Associate Professor, Biotechnology Center for Agriculture and the Environment, CC; Ph.D., Helsinki
Environmental and applied microbiology; biodegradation and bioremediation
Robert P. Harnack, Professor of Meteorology, CC; Ph.D., Maryland
Synoptic and climatic aspects of meteorology
John A. Hogan, Assistant Professor of Environmental Science, CC; Ph.D., Rutgers
Biological waste treatment, life support systems, pollution prevention
Sidney A. Katz, Professor of Chemistry, FAS-C; Ph.D., Pennsylvania
Environmental, nutritional, and toxicological aspects of trace elements
Stanley E. Katz, Research Professor of Microbiology, CC; Ph.D., Rutgers
Antibiotic residues in tissues and soils
Kathleen I. Keating, Professor of Environmental Science, CC; Ph.D., Yale
Trace element nutrition, plankton community structure and defined media for zooplankton and phytoplankton culture
Lee Kerkhof, Assistant Professor of Marine and Coastal Sciences, CC; Ph.D., California (San Diego)
Marine microbiology and molecular biology; microbial population dynamics
Uta Krogmann, Assistant Professor of Environmental Science, CC; Ph.D., Hamburg-Harburg
Solid-waste management and engineering, biosolids, recycling, waste minimization, anaerobic digestion, composting
Jerome J. Kukor, Assistant Professor of Environmental Science, CC; Ph.D., Michigan
Biochemistry of microbial degradation of aromatic and aliphatic compounds
Paul J. Lioy, Professor of Environmental and Community Medicine, UMDNJ-RWJMS; Ph.D., Rutgers
Human exposure to pollutants; air pollution; industrial hygiene; risk assessment
Gediminas Mainelis, Assistant Professor of Environmental Science, CC; Ph.D., Cincinnati
Biological and nonbiological aerosols, exposure monitoring and control
James R. Miller, Professor of Marine and Coastal Sciences, CC; Ph.D., Maryland Meteorology; atmospheric modeling
George H. Nieswand, Professor of Environmental Systems Engineering, CC; Ph.D., Rutgers
Environmental systems analysis
Christopher C. Obropta, Assistant Professor of Environmental Science, CC; Ph.D., Stevens
Watershed management stormwater best management practices
Claire E. Reimers, Professor of Marine and Coastal Sciences, CC; Ph.D., Oregon State
Marine carbon cycle; sedimentary geochemistry
John R. Reinfelder, Assistant Professor of Environmental Science, CC; Ph.D., SUNY (Stony Brook)
Trace metal biogeochemistry of aquatic systems; phytoplankton ecology
Nathan M. Reiss, Associate Professor Emeritus of Meteorology, CC; Ph.D., New York
Air-pollution meteorology; physical meteorology
David A. Robinson, Professor of Geography, FAS-NB; Ph.D., Columbia
Climate and climate change
Alan Robock, Professor of Meteorology, CC; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Climate change, climate modeling, soil moisture
Mark G. Robson, Associate Professor and Director, Division of Environmental and Occupational Health, UMDNJ-SPH; Ph.D., Rutgers
Public health risk assessment; exposure to pesticides
Stuart L. Shalat, Associate Professor of Environmental and Community Medicine, UMDNJ-RWJMS; Ph.D., Harvard
Epidemiologic studies of environmental toxins effects on the fetus and the child
Robert M. Sherrell, Associate Professor of Marine and Coastal Sciences, CC; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Marine geochemistry of trace metals and natural radionuclides
Georgiy L. Stenchikov, Research Professor of Environmental Science, CC; Ph.D., Moscow Physical Technical Institute
Climate modeling, cloud modeling, air pollution, computational fluid dynamics, radiative transport, numerical methods
Peter F. Strom, Associate Professor of Environmental Science, CC; Ph.D., Rutgers
Biological treatment; hazardous wastes
Gary L. Taghon, Associate Professor of Marine and Coastal Sciences, CC; Ph.D., Washington
Marine ecology
Robert L. Tate III, Professor of Soils and Crops, CC; Ph.D., Wisconsin
Soil microbiology
Paul E. Thomas, Professor of Chemical Biology and Pharmacognosy, EMSP; Ph.D.,Ohio State
Metabolism of drugs and environmental chemicals, cytochrome P-450
Lisa A. Totten, Laboratory Researcher, Environmental Sciences, CC; Ph.D., Johns Hopkin
Semivolatile organic contaminant fate and transport; reactivity and QSARs
Barbara J. Turpin, Associate Professor of Environmental Science, CC; Ph.D., Oregon Graduate Institute
Air pollution; the chemistry and physics of atmospheric aerosols
Christopher G. Uchrin, Professor of Environmental Science, CC; Ph.D., Michigan
Math modeling of contamination transport in surface and groundwater
Dana E. Veron, Assistant Professor of Atmospheric Science, CC; Ph.D., California (San Diego)
Modeling of clouds, radiation, and climate
Christopher P. Weaver, Assistant Research Professor of Meteorology, CC; Ph.D., Scripps
Climate change and feedbacks; land-atmosphere interactions; clouds and earth`s radiation budget; numerical modeling
Judith S. Weis, Professor of Zoology, FAS-N; Ph.D., New York
Effects of environmental factors, including pollutants, on development and growth of estuarine organisms
Clifford P. Weisel, Assistant Professor of Environmental and Community
Medicine, UMDNJ-RWJMS; Ph.D., Rhode Island Measurement of environmental constituents to assess human exposure
Lily Y. Young, Professor of Environmental Science, CC; Ph.D., Harvard
Anaerobic microbial metabolism of environmental contaminants; microbial ecology
Junfeng Zhang, Assistant Professor of Environmental and Community
Medicine, UMDNJ-RWJMS; Ph.D., Rutgers/University of Medicine and
Dentistry of New Jersey
Air pollution, exposure assessment, atmospheric chemistry and greenhouse gases
Gerben J. Zylstra, Professor of Biochemistry and Microbiology, BCAE; Ph.D., Michigan
Genetics and physiology of microbial aromatic hydrocarbon degradation
Associate Members of the Graduate Faculty
John W. Baum, Senior Scientist, Brookhaven National Laboratory; Ph.D., Michigan
Radiological physics; bioeffects and risks of ionizing and nonionizing radiations
Edward A. Christman, Director of Environmental Health and Safety, Columbia University; Ph.D., Rutgers
Radiation safety; health physics
Nancy L. Fiedler, Associate Professor of Environmental and Community Medicine, UMDNJ-RWJMS; Ph.D., Bowling Green State
Neurobehavioral and health effects in human exposure to hazardous substances
Elan J. Gandsman, Director of Health and Safety, Yale University; Ph.D.,
Tel Aviv Medical imaging; health physics; radiation safety; occupational health
Francis J. Haughey, Professor Emeritus of Radiation Science, CC; Ph.D., Rutgers
Radiation, aerosol, and health physics; environmental radioactivity
Robert Hordon, Associate Professor of Geography, FAS-NB; Ph.D., Columbia
Surface and groundwater hydrology; water quality
Joseph V. Hunter, Professor Emeritus of Environmental Science, CC; Ph.D., Rutgers
Source, fate, and detection of water and soil pollutants
Howard Kipen, Assistant Professor of Environmental and Community
Medicine, UMDNJ-RWJMS; M.D., California (San Francisco) Occupational health
Richard Lathrop, Associate Professor of Environmental Resources, CC; Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison)
Remote sensing and spatial modeling of terrestrial aquatic ecosystems
Theodore B. Shelton, Specialist of Agriculture and Resource Management, CC; Ph.D., Rutgers
Water resources planning and management
K. David Steidley, Chief Physicist, St. Barnabas Medical Center; Ph.D., Rutgers
Medical physics; biophysics; health physics; computers in medicine
Wesley R. Van Pelt, President, Wesley R. Van Pelt Associates, Inc.; Ph.D.,
New York Health physics; industrial hygiene; radiation dosimetry; environmental radioactivity
Stephen M. Waldow, Clinical Assistant Professor, UMDNJ, and Director,
Division of Radiation Research, Cooper Hospital; Ph.D., SUNY (Buffalo)
Radiation biology; radiation therapy; models of tumor treatment
Adjunct Members of the Graduate Faculty
Natalie Freeman, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Environmental and Community Medicine, UMDNJ-RWJMS; Ph.D., Rutgers
Nonoccupational exposure of adults/children; questionnaire development
Norberto J. Palleroni, Research Professor of Agricultural Molecular Biology, CC/BCAE; Ph.D., Buenos Aires
Taxonomic and phylogenetic studies of environmentally important bacteria
Alan Stern, Research Scientist, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and Energy; Ph.D., Columbia
Population exposures to metals in the environment
Arthur C. Upton, Professor of Environmental and Community Medicine, UMDNJ-RWJMS; Ph.D., Michigan
Biological effects and risks of ionizing radiation