Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
The Mason Gross School of the Arts
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Graduate Programs in Dance
M.F.A. in Dance
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Graduate Courses
M.F.A. in Dance Courses
Ed.M. in Dance Courses
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  Mason Gross School of the Arts 2018-2020 Graduate Programs in Dance Graduate Courses Ed.M. in Dance Courses  

Ed.M. in Dance Courses

07:207:405 Motor Learning and Control Dance Pedagogy (3) Motor Learning and Control Dance Pedagogy is a requisite for students seeking teacher certification in dance and/or a master's degree in dance education. It is designed to provide students an overview of theories and practice in motor learning, concepts, and principles that relate to the acquisition and relearning of motor and movement skills. Students will be involved in class lectures, discussions, and movement laboratories that examine and apply these principles.
07:207:406 Introduction to Curriculum Design and Assessment for Dance (3) Introduces basic concepts of instructional planning and assessment necessary for the development of PK-12 dance curricula that are meaningful as well as culturally situated. Students will be guided in developing PK-12 dance yearlong plans, instructional units, and lesson plans based on their own teaching visions, the culture of a specific school community, as well as in consideration of local educational guidelines.
07:207:407 Dance Technique Pedagogy (3) This course will have a practical focus on students planning, practice-teaching, evaluating, and revising technique classes appropriate for the developmental needs of PK-12 students.  Via collaborative learning and backward planning (McTighe & Wiggins), students will plan, deliver, and reflect on three Mini Lessons (Warm-up, Technical Exploration/Development, Sharing/Culmination) and one Final Lesson.
08:207:408 Creative Dance Choreography Pedagogy (3) Students will examine pedagogical issues and methods for planning, teaching, and assessing creative dance, dance improvisation, dance-making, and responding to dance across a range of learner development and English language learners and as appropriate for PK-12 urban learning settings.
08:207:501 Teaching Concepts in Dance for Students with Disabilities (3) This course content prepares dance teachers and dance teacher candidates with the knowledge and skills to design and implement a program in dance education that addresses students with special needs.
08:207:502 Embodied Dance History Pedagogy (3) Students will examine pedagogical issues and methods for planning, teaching, and assessing dance technique across a range of learner development as appropriate for PK-12 urban education settings.
08:207:510 Introduction to Research in Dance Education (3) Introduces leadership concepts, principles of negotiation, and program planning as they apply to understanding diverse stakeholders and directing dance programs in PK-12 and other settings. Students will identify their leadership strengths, work on leadership strategies through case studies, devise a PK-12 leadership plan aligned to Danielson Domain 4. Special seminars will be provided in the preparation of the edTPA package for certification students.
08:207:511 Leadership in Dance Education (3) Course introduces leadership concepts, principles of negotiation, and program planning as they apply to understanding diverse stakeholders and directing dance programs in PK-12 and other settings. During this seminar course, students will identify their leadership strengths, work on leadership strategy through case studies, and devise a PK-12 leadership plan aligned to Danielson Domain 4.
08:207:557 Graduate Independent Study (1-3)
08:207:595 Special Topics in Graduate Dance Education (1-3)
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