Eileen Blumenthal
Bredehoft (head of costume technology)
William Carden
Caroline Chao
Elizabeth Hope Clancy
Nathan Crocker
David Esbjornson
David Gordon
Louise Grafton
Karin Graybash
Christopher Hallady
Don Holder (head of lighting design)
Catherine Homa-Rocchio
Marshall Jones III (head of B.A. theater program)
Jerelyn Jurinek
Kevin Kittle (associate head of acting)
Letitia Lange
David Letwin
Danielle Liccardo
Leslie Lyter (head of stage management)
Joseph Mancuso
Barbara Marchant (associate chair, head of acting)
Pat McCorkle
David Murin
Valerie Marcus Ramshur (head of costume design)
Heather Rasche
Sari Ruskin
Daniel Scully
Billy Serow
Jennifer Stauffer (head of production)
Kathleen Tolan (head of playwriting)
Christine Whalen
Steven White
Antu Yacob