Introduction to Music Research (3)
Introduction to bibliographical tools and research techniques for scholars and performers. The primary aims of the course are to develop a critical attitude toward the manuscripts and editions used for performance and study, as well as an understanding of the methodological issues relevant to writing about music.
(S) Current Issues in Musicology (3)
Issues and debates within the current discipline of musicology via examination and discussion of recently published books and journal articles.
Prerequisite: 16:700:501.
Current Issues in Music Theory (3)
Issues and debates within the current discipline of music theory via examination and discussion of recently published books and articles.
Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor and graduate director.
(F) Music Theory-Intensive Review (3)
Review of harmony (part-writing and progressions); counterpoint (two- and three-part species counterpoint, including imitation); and harmonic analysis. This course does not fulfill regular theory requirements. It serves strictly as a preparation for the graduate theory courses.
Sound Synthesis and Computer-Assisted Composition (3,3)
Analysis of sound and timbre. Use of the computer for musical composition.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
The History of Musical Style (3)
Aspects of convention and innovation in composer's approach to sonority, harmony, melody, rhythm, and form in representative vocal and instrumental compositions from different historical periods in the Western tradition, ca. 1600-1950.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Proseminar in Music History (3,3)
Intensive study of selected areas in the history of music, with guided research leading to oral and written reports.
Prerequisite: 16:700:501.
Canon and Fugue (3)
Exercises in polyphonic techniques based on practices from the Renaissance to the tonal period.
Studies in Music Analysis (3,3)
Study of styles and structures in compositions from the Middle Ages to the present and their relationship to ideas on composition held by composers and theorists.
Studies in Opera (3)
Study of selected operas. Historical background, sources, editions, textual criticism, analysis, and performance practice.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Studies in Choral Literature (3)
Study of selected works for chorus and vocal ensemble from the 16th century to the present. Historical background, sources, editions, textual criticism, analysis, and performance practice.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Studies in Instrumental Ensemble Literature (3)
Study of selected chamber and orchestral works from the 17th century to the present. Historical background, sources, editions, textual criticism, analysis, and performance practice.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Studies in Keyboard Literature (3)
Study of selected works for keyboard instruments. Historical background, sources, editions, textual criticism, analysis, and performance practice.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Proseminar in Composition (3,3)
Practice in the techniques of creative composition.
Special Topics in Music Theory and Analysis (3,3)
Recent developments in music theory and 20th-century analytical techniques. Topics vary from year to year.
Prerequisites: 16:700:525,526.
Jazz Research and Analysis (3)
Introduction to scholarly research in jazz. Covers research methods, transcription, and analysis of recorded jazz performances; pertinent African-American cultural issues; and questions of performance practice.
Prerequisite: 16:700:501. Recommended as pre- or corequisite: 16:700:525.
Introduction to Ethnomusicology (3)
Introduction to the theory and methodology of ethnomusicology; current issues and intellectual history.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Proseminar in Performance Practice (3,3)
Problems of performance practice in vocal and instrumental music from two different periods: 17th and 18th centuries, and 19th century.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Schenkerian Analysis (3,3)
Analytic applications of Heinrich Schenker's notational graphing techniques for understanding structural and harmonic/contrapuntal aspects of tonal music.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Twentieth-Century Theory (3,3)
Analysis of selected compositions from ca. 1910 to the present. Theoretical strategies and perspectives.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Independent Study (BA)
Individual research leading to an essay demonstrating command of the techniques of historical or analytical research.
Seminar in Musicology (3,3)
Doctor-level intensive study of selected areas in musicology, with guided research leading to oral and written reports.
Prerequisite: 16:700:501. For students pursuing the Ph.D.
Seminar in Composition (3,3)
Advanced study of the techniques of creative composition.
For students pursuing the doctoral degree.
(S) History of Music Theory and Notation (3)
Intensive study of selected sources from antiquity to the 20th century, with emphasis on medieval and Renaissance notational systems, church modes, the teaching of counterpoint, and theories of tonality.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.