All applicants for September admission must submit the university application, supplemental application, three letters of recommendation, transcripts from all postsecondary schools attended, and any other required materials by February 1.
Application for Graduate Performance Degrees
Students seeking a performance degree are required to present an audition. Audition requirements may vary based on specialization and can be found at: Those wishing to enter the doctor of musical arts (D.M.A.) degree program in performance must also take a writing exam on the audition day. International applicants to the master of music (M.M.) degree program whose primary language is not English must also take a writing exam on the audition day. For both the D.M.A. degree and the artist diploma (A.D.), applicants also must submit evidence that they have completed an M.M. degree or the equivalent; the only exception to this is the A.D. in opera.
Application for Graduate Music Education Program
Applicants to the D.M.A. degree program in music education should have completed an M.M. degree (or the equivalent) in music or music education and hold at least one degree in music education. In addition, they should have a minimum of two years of successful teaching experience (or the equivalent) in grades K-12. No audition or GRE is required. Additional application requirements may apply, depending on the student's choice of cognate area (such as an audition for performance or conducting, or a portfolio for composition). A cognate area does not need to be selected before admission to the D.M.A. program. In addition to the other required application materials, applicants to the D.M.A. degree program in music education must submit a scholarly writing sample, such as a master's thesis or equivalent term papers, and they will be interviewed by the music education faculty.
Applicants to the M.M. degree program in music education should hold a baccalaureate degree (or equivalent) in music or music education. No audition or GRE is required. In addition to the other required application materials, applicants to the M.M. degree program in music education must submit a scholarly writing sample, such as a term paper from an undergraduate music or music education course.
TOEFL Scores
For all international applicants to graduate programs, minimum TOEFL scores apply. Applicants should contact the Department of Music Office of Admissions for details.
Application Procedures
Up-to-date audition and application requirements may be viewed online at
To apply:
Complete the Rutgers University application at (Choose Mason Gross School of the Arts as the school of intent.)
- Complete the Mason Gross Supplemental Application, emailed to applicants upon completion of the Rutgers application.
- For programs that require an audition, choose the audition date in the Mason Gross Supplemental Application. Once that is submitted, your audition date will be confirmed by the Office of Admissions of the Department of Music.