The doctor of musical arts (D.M.A.) in music education is designed for
professional music educators who want to expand and refine their
teaching and musical skills and who seek to broaden their knowledge of
current music education research and practice. With courses offered
through the Graduate School of Education and the Department of Music,
the curriculum includes advanced studies in music education, music theory,
history, research, and a cognate area of the student's choice.
The cognate may be taken in such areas as performance, conducting,
musicology, educational administration, or another area related to
music education. A dissertation is required.
Required Course of Study
All requirements for the D.M.A. degree may be completed within five
years of continuous enrollment. They must be completed within eight years. With the approval of the graduate adviser, the Graduate Oversight Committee, and the dean, the school may extend this maximum limit. Upon matriculation, the
student must enroll in a minimum of 3 credits each semester until the
degree is completed. One semester's leave, which may be taken at any time
during the course of study, is allowed. Permission for the leave must
be arranged in advance with the graduate adviser, and the student must
register for matriculation continued for that semester. Additional leaves
will be permitted only in extraordinary circumstances.
The following requirements must be met:
1. Research and music education courses: 21 credits (12 credits of required classes and 9 credits of electives)
Required Courses
16:960:531 Statistical Methods in Education I (3)
16:960:532 Statistical Methods in Education II (3)
08:702:614 Graduate Research in Music Education (3)
08:702:640 Doctoral Seminar in Music Education Curriculum (3)
Electives in Music Education:
Students will choose three courses (3
credits each) from the following:
(a) 08:702:513
Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Music Education (3)
(b) 08:702:531 Wind Band Literature for Graduate Music Educators* (3)
(c) 08:702:536 Cognitive Approaches to Music Learning (3)
(d) 08:702:537 Behavioral Approaches to Music Learning*
(e) 08:702:538
Proseminar in Music Education (3) (may be repeated with different content)
08:702:539 Behavioral and Cognitive Approaches to Music Learning (3)
(g) 08:702:572 Seminar in Choral Literature for Music Educators (3)*
(h) any education research course for which the student is eligible (3)
should choose from courses listed above, remembering that 538 may be repeated
with differing content.
2. Music
courses: Two courses (6 credits) in graduate-level music theory
and two courses (6 credits) in graduate-level musicology.
3. Cognate: Selected in one specific
field related to music education. The cognate is an area of study related to the field of music education in some fashion. Students may choose from topics such as performance, composition, musicology, educational administration, etc. Lessons, if available, may not be taken without participating in a large ensemble. The cognate area must be approved by the music education faculty. A maximum of 4 credits of ensemble
may count toward this requirement. Upon declaring a cognate area,
students must meet any specific entrance requirements and prerequisites
for that area (12 credits).
4. Dissertation: Students are required to undertake an individual project that is designed and approved in consultation with a faculty adviser. The focus and scope of the project will depend on the student's interests and skills (12 credits). See below for further description.
Comprehensive Examinations
Candidates must pass written comprehensive examinations in
music education. The oral comprehensive examination is the Dissertation Proposal Defense and Dissertation Defense, explained below. Reexamination and appeal procedures mirror those
established for the D.M.A. in performance.
A dissertation consisting of original research related to music
education and developed under faculty direction is required. After successful completion of the written comprehensive examination and preparation of a dissertation proposal, a proposal defense can be scheduled. A five-member committee hears the presentation of the proposed dissertation. The committee will include the graduate adviser, two members of the music education faculty (one of whom will serve as chair), one member of the Department of Music musicology or music theory faculty, and one outside reader. The graduate adviser, in consultation with the student's advisor, appoints the outside reader. This person is expected to be a recognized authority on the subject of the dissertation. Following approval and completion of the dissertation, an oral defense of the dissertation is held.