08:703:505,505 Studio Accompaniment (1,1)
08:703:511,512 Kirkpatrick Choir (1,1)
08:703:519,520 Jazz Combo (1,1)
08:703:521,522 Jazz Ensemble (1,1)
08:703:523,524 Orchestra (1,1)
08:703:525,526 Percussion Ensemble (1,1)
08:703:527,528 Brass Ensemble (1,1)
08:703:533,534 Voorhees Choir (1,1)
08:703:535,536 Graduate Diction(1,1)
08:703:537,538 Graduate Diction(1,1)
08:703:539,540 University Choir (1,1)
08:703:543,544 Symphony Band (1,1)
08:703:545,546 Wind Ensemble (1,1)
08:703:547,548 Rutgers Sinfonia (1,1)
08:703:549,550 Glee Club (1,1)
08:703:553,554 Opera Workshop (1,1)
08:703:555,556 Chamber Ensemble (1,1)
08:703:557 Acting for Singers (2)
08:703:558 Stage Movement for Singers (2)
08:703:563,564 Conducting (3,3) (First year M.M.)
08:703:575,576 Applied Major Lesson (3,3) (First year M.M.)
08:703:599 Independent Study (B.A.)
08:703:600 Advanced Performance Study (3)
08:703:601 Performance Project (1)
08:703:655,656 Chamber Music (1,1)
08:703:663,664 Conducting (3,3) (Second year M.M.)
08:703:675,676 Applied Major Lesson (3,3) (Second year M.M.)
08:703:699 Independent Study D.M.A. and A.Dpl. (B.A.)
08:703:701,702 Performance Study D.M.A. and A.Dpl. (B.A.,B.A.)
08:703:703,704 Conducting Study D.M.A. and A.Dpl. (B.A.,B.A.)
08:703:800 Matriculation Continued (0)
08:703:811 Graduate Fellowship (0)
08:703:844 Research Internship (B.A.)
08:703:866 Graduate Assistantship (B.A.)
08:703:877 Teaching Assistantship (B.A.)