Graduate Courses
08:081:513,514Drawing I (3,3) Not a traditional drawing course. Exploration of drawing skills used in today`s artmaking and the relationship of individual work to current art. Analysis and critique of student work in a wide range of media, including the theoretical and technical aspects of the work. Focus on concept of drawing as inquiry, and investigation of how inquiry infuses the making of art, its intentions, and its means. Review of current art criticism, various social and economic perspectives, and the continually changing role of the artist in society. |
08:081:515,516Printmaking I (3,3) Expression of ideas through traditional and nontraditional printmaking processes. Students work in media that result in multiples or use printmaking to produce unique images, such as monoprints. Students also may produce artists` books or three-dimensional prints. In addition, they may combine printmaking with other media, such as computers or video. The course features readings, exhibition visits, and discussions of contemporary art issues. In addition, there is an opportunity to work with visiting artists. |
08:081:517,518Painting and Studio Problems I (3,3) Studio critique of painting to facilitate development of a personal style as idiom. Research and exploration of recent conventions and issues of artmaking. |
08:081:519,520Electronic Imaging:   Addresses theoretical and critical issues in the emerging field of digital art. An in-depth survey of contemporary electronic art will be the basis for students developing their own electronic artworks. Students may produce web-based interactive or photo-digital projects. Skills such as digital imaging and web development will be presented. |
08:081:521,522Visiting Artists/First-Year Review I,II (3,3) Lectures and presentations of work and ideas by noted guest artists, critics, and curators. Discussion of issues. A review faculty is available for consultation and critique during the term. Individual studio critiques by visitors. Each end-of-term review takes a form determined by the graduate program director, such as forming panels to examine issues of concern. |
08:081:523,524Sculpture I (3,3) Emphasis on the development of individual student work. Group critique once a month. Success of course dependent upon a high and steady level of student work. List of readings, references, and bibliographies on sculpture and contemporary art provided. Individual critique time determined by student need. |
08:081:525,526Research Projects I (3,3) Individual project proposed by student to faculty member of choice who approves the project and then acts as adviser. |
08:081:527,528Ceramics Workshop I (3,3) All basic techniques of forming, glazing, firing, and glaze composition. Emphasis on individual research and exploration. |
08:081:529,530Photo Image I (3,3) Seminar for first-year graduate students. Group critiques of individual student work, discussions of aesthetic and critical issues of concern to photographers, and examination of current and historical developments in photography. Development of an individual aesthetic and work on personal artistic statements. Emphasis on connections among formal, aesthetic, and communicative issues. |
08:081:531,532Video/Media Workshop I (3,3) Consideration of several recurring problems, questions, issues, and interests in contemporary video art, developing a critical discourse within which to discuss graduate student media productions as well as a wide range of video art. |
08:081:543,544Art Criticism I (3,3) Analysis of the role of art critics today and the changing functions of art critics in today`s multimedia, information-rich environment, with particular reference to artists` roles and artmaking. |
08:081:549,550Photo Criticism and Theory I (3,3) Seminar for first-year graduate students. An examination of aesthetics and critical issues of concern to photographers and investigation of current and historical developments in photography. |
08:081:551,552Studio Internship I (3,3) Offers direct experience in the profession. Internships available with master artists, galleries, alternative art spaces, periodicals, and programs. Faculty adviser or graduate director acts as liaison. |
08:081:557,558Ceramic Sculpture I (3,3) Technical concerns include the development of clay bodies, types of kiln firings, and resolving of surface characteristics. Emphasis on individual artistic expression, with an effort to increase technical skills with use of clay. Group critiques on an ongoing basis. |
08:081:569,570Photo and Media I (3,3) Investigation of current thinking about various media, with emphasis on reproductive media, particularly film, video, and photography. Works of art, including mass-market films, viewed and discussed. Class discussion and studies of critical writings emphasized. Open to students in any medium. |
08:081:571,572Current Issues in Art Practice I (3,3) Studio critique to facilitate development of a personal style as idiom and classroom discussion of contemporary issues. |
08:081:613,614Drawing II (3,3) Continuation of 08:081:513,514 Drawing I. |
08:081:615,616Printmaking II (3,3) Continuation of 08:081:515,516 Printmaking I. Development of individual style under the guidance of instructor and with the assistance of master printer. |
08:081:617,618Painting and Studio Problems II (3,3) Continuation of 08:081:517,518 Painting and Studio Problems I. |
08:081:619,620Electronic Imaging: Theory and Practice II (3,3) Continuation of 08:081:519,520 Electronic Imaging: Theory and Practice I. |
08:081:623,624Sculpture II (3,3) Continuation of 08:081:523,524 Sculpture I. |
08:081:625,626Research Projects II (3,3) Individual project proposed by student to faculty member of choice, who approves the project and then acts as adviser. |
08:081:627,628Ceramics Workshop II (3,3) Continuation of 08:081:527,528 Ceramics Workshop I. |
08:081:629,630Photo Image II (3,3) Photography seminar for second-year students. Organization and activities similar to 08:081:529,530 Photo Image I. Students may continue development and exploration undertaken in Photo Image I or explore new areas. |
08:081:631,632Video/Media Workshop II (3,3) Continuation of 08:081:531,532 Video/Media Workshop I. |
08:081:643,644Art Criticism II (3,3) Continuation of 08:081:543,544 Art Criticism I. |
08:081: 649,650Photo Criticism and Theory II (3,3) Seminar for second-year graduate students. Organization and structure similar to 08:081:549,550. Students may continue development and exploration undertaken in Photo Criticism and Theory I or explore new areas. |
08:081:651,652Studio Internship II (3,3) Continuation of 08:081:551,552 Studio Internship I. |
08:081:667,668Ceramic Sculpture II (3,3) Continuation of 08:081:557,558 Ceramic Sculpture I. |
08:081:669,670Photo and Media II (3,3) Continuation of 08:081:569,570 Photo and Media I. |
08:081:671,672Current Issues in Art Practice II (3,3) Continuation of 08:081:571,572 Current Issues in Art Practice I. |
08:081:703Thesis (3) The graduate written thesis statement, presented in the student`s last term, can be a discussion of the thesis exhibition or of one`s work in general, or of theoretical questions, research, or investigations in any related art area. |
08:081:704Exhibition (3) The exhibition shall be a presentation of the result of two years of creative work in the program. It takes place throughout the final spring term in the Civic Square Building galleries, and a student`s exhibit is subject to committee review, consultation, and evaluation by the thesis committee and other members of the graduate faculty. |
08:081:800Matriculation Continued (0) In order to retain degree-seeking status in the program until all requirements are completed, students must maintain continuous registration by registering each fall and spring term in course work, research, or matriculation continued. Students who fail to maintain their status must apply for reinstatement. |
08:081:877Teaching Assistantship (E3) After being selected for a teaching assistantship, students register for these 3 credits, but these credits are extra and do not count toward the 60 credits needed for graduation. |