The M.F.A. degree is a 60-credit, full-time program that normally is completed within two years. In general, students take 15 credits for each of the four terms, but full-time status is defined as 12 credits or more in a term. In some cases, students may decide, or their faculty members may recommend, continuation of matriculation to permit fuller development of a thesis or exhibition. The maximum time to complete the degree program is four years.
The M.F.A. program is interdisciplinary, allowing students to choose courses from any discipline offered within the department. Students in the visual arts program do not make a declaration of concentration.
Entering students are expected to demonstrate knowledge of contemporary art and of the history of Western and non-Western art. In some cases, students may be required to take courses to remedy deficiencies in certain areas in order to complete the degree. That determination will be made by the director of graduate studies.