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  Mason Gross School of the Arts 2004-2006 Graduate Programs in Music Doctor of Musical Arts Program Music Education Track  

Music Education Track

The doctor of musical arts in music education is designed for professional music educators who want to expand and refine their teaching and musical skills and who seek to broaden their knowledge of current music education research and practice. With courses offered through the Graduate School of Education and the Department of Music, the curriculum includes advanced studies in music education, theory, history, and research, and in a cognate area of the student's choice. The elective may be taken in such areas as performance, conducting, musicology, educational administration, or another area related to music education.

Required Course of Study

All requirements for the D.M.A. degree may be completed within five years of continuous enrollment. They must be completed within seven years. Exceptions to this time limit may be made with the approval of both the graduate director and the dean. Upon matriculation, the student must enroll in a minimum of 3 credits each term until the degree is completed. One term`s leave, which may be taken at any time during the course of study, is allowed. Permission for the leave must be arranged in advance with the graduate director, and the student must register for Matriculation Continued for that term. Additional leaves will be permitted only in extraordinary circumstances.

The following requirements must be met:

1. Research: Four courses (12 credits).

2. Music education specialization: (9 credits). Includes 08:702:640 Doctoral Seminar in Music Education Curriculum (3 credits) and two courses selected from the existing core courses for the M.M. degree in music education. Students who already have earned credit for these courses (Rutgers music education M.M. graduates) will substitute 6 credits of approved electives for this requirement.

3. Music courses: Two courses (6 credits) in graduate-level music theory and two courses (6 credits) in graduate-level music history.

4. Cognate: Four courses (12 credits) selected in one specific field related to music education. A maximum of 4 credits of ensemble may count toward this requirement. Upon declaring a cognate area, students must meet any specific entrance requirements and prerequisites for that area.

5. Dissertation: 12 credits.

6. Special requirement: Students are required to undertake an individual project that is designed and approved in consultation with a faculty adviser. The focus and scope of the project will depend on the student`s interests and skills. It may be determined in part by the selected cognate area.

Comprehensive Examinations

Candidates must pass written and oral comprehensive examinations in music education and in their cognate area. The committee evaluating written and oral examinations for students in the music education option of the D.M.A. consists of five members. The panel will include the graduate director, two members of the music education faculty, one member of the faculty representing the student`s cognate area, and one member of the music department outside of music education. One of the two members of the music education faculty will serve as chairperson of the committee. Reexamination and appeal procedures mirror those established for the D.M.A. in performance.

Dissertation Defense

A dissertation consisting of original research related to music education and developed under faculty direction is required. A public oral defense of the dissertation may be scheduled only after completion of all other degree requirements. The dissertation committee will consist of four faculty members, including at least one representative from music education, two others from music and/or music education, and one who is approved as an outside member. The outside member is appointed by the graduate director in consultation with the student`s adviser. This person is expected to be a recognized authority on the subject of the dissertation.

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