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The Mason Gross School of the Arts
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  Mason Gross School of the Arts 2004-2006 Graduate Programs in Music Admission  


All applicants for September admission must submit by April 1 the application, three letters of recommendation, and transcripts from all postsecondary schools attended. Applicants for January admission must submit all these materials by December 1. Students seeking a performance degree are required to present an extensive audition. Those wishing to enter the doctor of musical arts (D.M.A.) degree program in performance must take a writing test on the audition day. For both the doctor of musical arts degree and the artist diploma, applicants also must submit evidence that they have completed a master of music degree or the equivalent.

Applicants to the doctor of musical arts degree program in music education should have completed a master of music degree (or the equivalent) in music or music education and hold at least one degree in music education. In addition, they should have a minimum of two years of successful teaching experience (or the equivalent) in grades K-12. No audition or GRE is required. Additional requirements may apply, depending on the student`s choice of cognate area (such as audition for performance or conducting or portfolio for composition). Selection of a cognate area does not have to be made before admission to the D.M.A. In addition to the required application materials, music-education applicants must submit a scholarly writing sample, such as a master`s thesis or equivalent term papers, and they will be interviewed by the music-education faculty. Applicants in music education are strongly urged to have their completed application submitted by March 1 for fall term admission and November 1 for spring admission.

Applicants to the master of music degree program in music education should hold a baccalaureate degree (or equivalent) in music or music education. No audition or GRE is required. Applicants for music education must include a sample of scholarly writing, such as a term paper from an undergraduate music or music-education course, plus the required application materials.

For students seeking teacher certification, specific courses and other requirements are determined on an individual basis in consultation with the music-education faculty. Some master`s courses in music education may count toward certification, but in most cases, certification will require additional course work at the undergraduate level.

Application forms may be obtained from the Office of Graduate and Professional Admissions, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 18 Bishop Place, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8530 (732/932-7711).

After the application has been submitted, the audition is arranged by contacting:

Administrative Assistant for Admissions
Department of Music
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
81 George Street
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1568

For additional information, contact RU-info at 732/932-info (4636) or
Comments and corrections to: Campus Information Services.

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