Mary Curran (848-932-0790; email:
Please visit the website.
Program Description: The Ed.M. program in language education is designed to extend and diversify the professional preparation of certified teachers who seek to enhance their instructional skills and knowledge. The program also serves the needs of individuals who work in settings that do not require certification and are interested in a scholarly exploration of aspects of language education. The goal of the program is to provide students with a thorough understanding of the nature of language, the process of second language acquisition, the relationship between language and culture, and successful modes of second language instructional strategies.
(Note: this is a non-certification Ed.M. program. if certification is needed, see the catalog description for the
Ed.M./Certification Program in ESL
or the Ed.M./Certification Program in Language Education in ESL or Foreign Language).
The program in language education requires a minimum of 30 credits of study (no transfer credits permitted) beyond the baccalaureate degree. It provides for study in the area of linguistics, language pedagogy, and the cultural context of language education, as well as the opportunity to select courses in elective areas. At the end of the coursework, students must pass a comprehensive examination.
I. Area of Specialization (21 Credits)
Core Courses (18 credits )
15:253:510 Academic English in the Content Areas* (3)
15:253:520 Principles of Language Learning: Second and World Language Acquisition (3)
15:253:523 Language and Culture (3)
15:253:530 Foundations of Language (3)
15:253:537 Language in Society (3)
And one
of the following teaching methodology sequences to be approved by adviser (6 credits):
15:253:538 Methods for Teaching and Assessing World Language Learners (3)
15:253:539 Methods for Teaching and Assessing English Language Learners (3)
*Students who have taken 05:300:452 and 453 as part of a five-year or postbaccalaureate initial certification program at the Graduate School of Education (GSE) may substitute those courses for 253:510. Only students who took these courses as part of a GSE initial certification program may make the substitution
II. Electives (12 credits)
III. Comprehensive Examination
Master's students are required to take a comprehensive examination that is offered twice a year, once in the fall and once in the spring. Students are responsible for checking the deadline for exam registration in the department office and submitting the necessary forms to their assigned academic adviser for approval. These documents include a completed comprehensive exam registration form and a recent transcript showing the completion of all required core courses and no incompletes. Information on the exam format is available.
Summary of Credits
Area of Specialization 21
Electives 9
TOTAL 30 Credits