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This 15-credit online graduate certificate
program is available to students enrolled in master's and doctoral programs in
many fields at Rutgers University, and is open to all with a bachelor's degree. The
certificate program is designed to help New Jersey educators, administrators,
and parents meet the challenges of educating gifted children. This special
program was developed with input from district superintendents, teachers,
parents, the Educational Information and Resource Center, and the statewide
advocates for gifted children, including the New Jersey Association for Gifted
Children. The curriculum was developed in alignment with state and national
standards and addresses foundations and
theories of gifted education, the social and emotional development of the
gifted child, curriculum design and implementation, pedagogy, instructional
strategies, and the development and administration of a gifted education
(15 credits)
15:294:531 The Gifted Child (3) or 05:300:320 Introduction to
Gifted Education (3)
15:294:532 The Social and Emotional Development of Gifted
Children (3) or 05:300:322 The Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted Children (3)
15:294:533 Curriculum and Instruction for the Gifted (3)
15:294:534 Gifted Program Development (3)
15:294:535 Clinical Placement and Practicum (3)