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The supervisor certification program requires a New Jersey Standard Instructional Certificate or educational services certificate and three years of documented, full-time experience prior to enrollment in the program and a master's degree. The program is not aligned to any specific degree program, does not lead to a degree of any kind, and is usually completed exclusively online. If students are interested in taking an endorsement course offered at Rutgers University-New Brunswick, they must obtain special permission from the instructor.
Course Requirements (12 credits)
Required (6 credits)
15:230:521 Supervision of Instruction (3)
15:310:500 Curriculum and Instruction (3)
Select two electives (6 credits)
15:230:512 Administration and Supervision of Elementary and Secondary Schools (3)
15:251:572 Curriculum Development in the Elementary School (3)
15:294:533 Curriculum and Instruction for the Gifted (3)
15:310:505 Curriculum Development in the Secondary School (3) 15:310:510 Curriculum of Middle and Junior High School (3)