Coordinator: Sharon Ryan (848-932-0808; email:
The doctoral program in early childhood/elementary education is intended for education professionals who wish to study learning and teaching in early childhood/elementary settings. The program has four major goals: (1) to foster a vision of learning as an active process in which students construct their own knowledge and understanding; (2) to foster a vision of teaching that promotes depth of understanding and problem-solving rather than mere curriculum coverage and that recognizes children's individual and cultural differences; (3) to prepare educational leaders who are knowledgeable about current research and theory on learning and teaching so they can make informed decisions about educational practice and can help to bring about change in schools; and (4) to prepare students to undertake independent research so they can identify and investigate significant educational questions and problems.
The program is appropriate for individuals who plan to pursue careers as college or university faculty in early childhood/elementary education; as curriculum developers, supervisors, and instructional leaders in schools or other educational organizations; or as administrators of early childhood settings.
I. Foundations of Education (9 credits, in at least three of the following four areas; the 9 credits must be outside your own program area)
A. psychological foundations
B. sociological/philosophical foundations
C. policy and leadership
D. learning in a content area
II. Early Childhood/Elementary Education (30 credits)
A. Perspectives on Learning and Teaching in Early Childhood/Elementary Education Classrooms (12 credits)
15:251:570 Advanced Pedagogical Techniques for the Elementary Classroom (3)
15:251:577 Historical and Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood Education (3)
15:251:675 Independent Study in Early Childhood/Elementary Education (3) (a supervised research experience that precedes the dissertation and culminates in a written product)
15:251:676 Research in Early Childhood/Elementary Education (3)
B. Area of Specialization (12 credits)
Chosen from the following:
(1) Content Area Concentration (creative arts education, literacy, English as a Second Language and bilingual education, instructional technology, mathematics education, and science education)
(2) Early Childhood Education and Applied Child Development (focus on settings for children, birth through age 5; child care, family and parenting issues; developmentally appropriate practice; and development of infants and toddlers, including those at risk)
C. Electives (6 credits)
Taken with adviser's approval.
III. Research Methodology (at least 9 credits in two of the following three areas)
A. qualitative foundations
B. quantitative foundations
C. program evaluation
Courses must be selected from the existing list of approved research courses, as well as courses designed for the Ph.D. program.
IV. Qualifying Examination
Doctoral students must successfully complete a two-part qualifying examination, written at home and evaluated by a faculty committee consisting of two members, at least one of whom is in the student's program. The first part of the exam involves general issues in early childhood/elementary education. The second part is in the area of specialization and typically involves an integrative literature review that can serve as the basis of a dissertation proposal. (See adviser for details.)
Questions are developed jointly by the student and the chair of the qualifying examination committee (usually the student's program or dissertation adviser).
V. Doctoral Dissertation (24 credits)
15:250:701 Dissertation Study in Learning and Teaching (Note: No more than 12 credits of dissertation study may be taken before the successful completion of the qualifying examination.) The dissertation is a report of research construed broadly to include, but not be limited to, historical ethnographic, descriptive, evaluation, correlational, or experimental studies. The dissertation committee consists of at least three members approved by the program and department chair. The chair of the dissertation committee must be a member of the Graduate School of Education, and at least one committee member must be a member of the student's program. At least two committee members must be Rutgers faculty members; at least one must be from outside the student's department.
Foundations of Education 9 credits
EC/Elementary Education 30 credits
Research Methodology 9 credits
Dissertation Study 24 credits
TOTAL 72 credits