Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School of Education
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About the School
Degree Programs
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Degree Requirements
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Programs
Doctor of Education (Ed.D) Programs - For Students Entering before 2010
Doctor of Education (Ed.D) Programs - For Students Entering in or subsequent to 2010
Master of Education (Ed.M.) Programs with No State Certification
Master of Education (Ed.M.) Programs with State Certification
Combined B.A./B.S./Ed.M. Five-Year Teacher Preparation Programs
Undergraduate Minor: Education as a Social Science
Nondegree State Certification Programs
Nondegree Skill Development Programs
Undergraduate GSE Courses (05)
Graduate GSE Courses (15)
Educational Administration and Supervision (230)
Adult and Continuing Education (233)
College Student Affairs (245)
Learning and Teaching--General Electives (250)
Early Childhood/Elementary Education (251)
English Literacy/Language Arts (252)
Language Education (253)
Mathematics Education (254)
Nondepartmental Graduate Courses in Education (255)
Science Education (256)
Social Studies Education (257)
Creative Arts Education (259)
Design of Learning Environments (262)
Teacher Leadership (267)
Educational Psychology (290)
Educational Statistics, Measurement, and Evaluation (291)
Special Education (293)
Gifted Education (294)
Learning, Cognition, and Development (295)
Counseling Psychology (297)
Reading (299)
Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education (310)
Ph.D. in Education Courses (16)
Faculty, Administration, and Centers
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  The Graduate School of Education 2014–2016 Courses Graduate GSE Courses (15) English Literacy/Language Arts (252)  

English Literacy/Language Arts (252)

Graduate Courses (English Literacy/Language Arts 252)

For related courses, see Reading 299.

15:252:511 Analysis of English Curricula (3) Critical examination of historical, contemporary, and potential English curricula.
15:252:513 Differentiating Instruction in the English Language Arts (3) This course will focus on understanding and implementing differentiated instruction in the English language arts in order to meet the needs of students who differ in terms of their previous school histories, linguistic backgrounds, cultural histories, and so on.
15:252:514 Issues of Diversity in Language and Literacy Learning (3) Examination of the social, cultural, and cognitive dimensions of literacy learning and the extent to which they can be generalized across learners.
15:252:517 Teaching the Language Arts (3) Language arts education for the elementary and middle school child, with an emphasis on oral language and writing development. Topics include children's literature, the writing process, the integration of language arts across the curriculum, and the relationships among oral language, literacy, and learning. 
15:252:518 Topics in English Education (3) Selected current problems and issues affecting secondary English language arts education. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
15:252:519 Teaching Writing for Children and Adolescents (3) Examination of contemporary methods and theories that support children's writing development through each phase of the writing process. An in-depth exploration of the Common Core English Language Arts standards for K-8 will be included in each module along with varied text genres and writer's purpose. Writer's Workshop, craft techniques, mini-lessons, journals, peer collaboration methods, and assessments will be topics discussed in the course.
15:252:520 Adolescent Literature for Secondary Students (3) Critical examination of a wide range of children's and adolescent literature. Evaluation of the place of these works in language arts curricula (grades 4-12).
15:252:521 Teachers as Writers (3) Students write, exchange their writing, and respond to the writing of others on a daily basis. The analysis of their own activities, as well as current research and theory in composition, form the basis for developing appropriate and effective teaching strategies.
15:252:522 Digital Literacies (3) Over the past century, there has been a broad move from the dominance of writing and the written word to a gradual dominance of the image. That is, from a dominance of the book as our primary meaning-making technology to a dominance of images on screen that are colorful, that have animation, texture, and dimensionality as governing technologies. The combined influence of the image and computer screens has shifted the way our students make meaning. Where formerly they certainly made meaning from images, there was much more emphasis in school and out of school on the written word, whereas today meaning-making is more complex with more mediums, materials, and modalities from which to make meaning. The two modes of writing and of image are governed by different logics and have their own sets of affordances they bring to the meaning-making process. This course takes account of different modes from which students make meaning and has students use, understand, and reflect upon these modes in theoretical, pedagogical, and practical ways.
15:252:525 Writing Project Workshop: Bringing Research and Theory into Practice (1-6) Current research and theory in composition. Students write, critically examine their experiences as writers, and discuss research and theory as means to become more reflective practitioners.
15:252:592 Topics in English Education (3) Selected current problems and issues affecting secondary English language arts education.
15:252:614 English Education Practicum (BA) Laboratory course involving extensive classroom observation. Plan, develop, and field test a sequence of materials and/or procedures in English education.
15:252:615 Independent Study in English Education (BA) Each student identifies and studies in depth a substantive problem or issue in English education. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
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