Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School of Education
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Academic Policies and Procedures
Degree Requirements
Doctor of Education
Program for Students Entering Summer 2010
Program for Students Entering Before Summer 2010
Credit Requirements
Time Limitation
Qualifying Examination
Dissertation Proposal
Ph.D. in Education
Master of Education
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Programs
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) Programs
Master of Education (Ed.M.) Programs with No State Certification
Master of Education (Ed.M.) Programs with State Certification
Combined B.A./B.S./Ed.M. Five-Year Teacher Preparation Programs
Undergraduate Minor: Education as a Social Science
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Nondegree Skill Development Programs
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Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  The Graduate School of Education 2009-2011 Degree Requirements Doctor of Education Program for Students Entering Before Summer 2010 Time Limitation  

Time Limitation

A student entering a doctoral program at the Graduate School of Education (GSE) has a total time limit of 10 years from the time of admission to the program to complete all coursework, qualifying examinations, and dissertation work. This time limit is further defined as follows:

  1. a student entering a doctoral program at GSE has a time limit of seven years from the time of admission to the program to complete all coursework and qualifying examinations;
  2. a student who completes the course requirements and qualifying examinations in seven years has three years to complete his or her dissertation;
  3. a student who completes the course requirements and qualifying examinations in less than seven years will have the remaining time from the total allocated time of 10 years to complete his or her dissertation;
  4. any student who fails to complete all requirements (coursework, qualifying examinations, and dissertation) within the allocated 10-year period may, with the written recommendation of the program faculty, be allowed to retake the qualifying examination and, upon passing these examinations, may have three additional years to complete his or her dissertation.

In those cases in which a student is authorized to include credits in his or her degree program for courses taken at Rutgers prior to admission as a degree candidate, the date of the beginning of the coursework to be credited establishes the beginning of the time allowed to complete the degree.

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