Rutgers-Princeton Cooperative Exchange Program
Rutgers and Princeton universities have been engaged in an exchange
program since 1964. The program is informal in that admission to and
registration at the host institution are not required. No funds are
exchanged between the two institutions; the student pays tuition only
at the home institution. The policies and procedures related to this
program are that (1) participants must be enrolled in degree programs,
(2) the number of courses a student may take per term is limited, and
(3) the course must be part of the student's degree program and
unavailable at the home institution. To participate, a Rutgers student
must register for 15:001:816 Princeton Exchange (BA) (normally 3
credits) and have the forms (obtained from the Rutgers graduate
registrar) signed by his or her adviser, dean, and Princeton course
instructor. The form is then submitted to the dean of the Graduate
School, Princeton University. Princeton grades are assigned and are
recorded on the student`s record via the above form.
New Brunswick Theological Seminary and University of Medicine and Dentistry-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Exchanges
Cross-registrations are available in these two schools. Forms are available at the Office of the Graduate Registrar.