There are four telephone hotlines and/or drop-in services on campus
that offer supportive and anonymous listening and talk, help with
crises, and a wide range of referral information. Each is staffed
primarily by undergraduate students with special training. They are
open mostly on Sunday and weekday evenings, and their current hours are
given on answering machines at each service. The services include
Scarlet Listeners Counseling Service (formerly known as 56 Peer
Counseling Service), located in Bishop House (third floor), College
Avenue campus (732/247-5555); Women's Support and Resource Center
(focused on women's issues) (732/828-7273); Gatehouse Peer Counseling
Hotline, Cook/Douglass campus (732/846-0957); and the Rutgers
University Lesbian/Gay Alliance Hotline (focused on issues of interest
to gays and lesbians) (732/932-7886).