Director: Carolyn Maher
The Robert B. Davis Institute for Learning (RBDIL) combines research
and scholarship about learning and teaching with educational practice.
Its mission is to reform the teaching of mathematics and science toward
instruction that takes seriously the way students build their
mathematical and scientific understanding. Multidisciplinary,
intercampus, interinstitutional, and international links of the Davis
Institute foster innovative and academically strong collaborations,
contributing leadership nationally and internationally to address
critical needs in the teaching and learning of mathematics and science.
Institute faculty and staff are working in elementary, secondary, and
postsecondary education, and conducting research, which provides
leadership and long-term, school-based professional development
programs in urban and suburban school districts throughout the state.
Graduate students at Rutgers pursuing an Ed.M., an Ed.D., or a Ph.D.
degree become active partners in research with Davis Institute faculty.
A unique role of the Davis Institute is to provide close and detailed
studies of how individual learners think about mathematics and science
and how they build mathematical and scientific ideas and forms of
reasoning over time. For additional information, contact Carolyn Maher,
Robert B. Davis Institute for Learning, Rutgers, The State University
of New Jersey, 10 Seminary Place, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1183
(732/932-7496, ext. 8262;