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Graduate School of Education
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  The Graduate School of Education 2004-2006 Student Services Office of Continuous Education and Global Programs Global Programs  

Global Programs

Given the importance of nurturing an educational perspective that goes beyond local and national boundaries, GSE has entered into exchange agreements throughout the world. These agreements facilitate significant academic contact between GSE faculty and faculty and students from universities abroad. They provide the framework for essential cooperation and joint ventures in research, instructional collaboration, cultural exchange, and codevelopment and implementation of binational research and development projects.

GSE has previously entered into exchange agreements with the University of Veracruz in Mexico, Beijing Normal University in the Peoples Republic of China, Fukui and Osaka universities in Japan, Chungbuk University in Korea, Kyiv State University in Ukraine, and Hebrew University in Israel. Negotiations to establish exchange agreements with universities in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and South Africa are under way. These exchange agreements facilitate significant research collaboration and academic contact between faculty and students of GSE and those from universities abroad.

Study Programs

GSE faculty members are committed to providing opportunities for students and New Jersey educators to experience diverse educational experiences outside of the classroom.  Accordingly, faculty members have launched a number of international initiatives, which have been coordinated by the Office of Continuing Education and Global Programs. These include study programs that have provided the opportunity for students and faculty to study the educational systems and cultures of China, Israel, Japan, Mexico, South Africa, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom. These educational programs are designed to facilitate international contact and to further cross-national considerations of educational issues.

Muskie/Soros Fellowship Program

Under the direction of Professor David Muschinske, the Muskie/Soros Fellowship Program began at GSE in 1994. The Muskie/Soros program selects each year, from over 1,500 applicants, 30 highly qualified young professionals from former Soviet Union countries (the Newly Independent States, NIS) and sponsors their study in master`s programs at competitively selected American universities. The fellows are selected using criteria, which include a strong undergraduate record, a high degree of proficiency in English, and potential for leadership in education at all levels. GSE has typically hosted students from Armenia, Azerbaijan, the Baltics, Russia, and Ukraine, and these students have returned to their home countries and assumed positions of leadership in education at all levels.

If you are interested in learning more about global programs, call 732/932-7496, ext. 8300, or visit

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