Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
The Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology
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Course Listing
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GSAPP Courses
Undergraduate Courses in Psychology 830
Professional Psychology 820
Clinical Psychology 821
School Psychology 826
Organizational Psychology 829
Applied Psychology 844
Certification Courses - Alcohol Studies
Certification Courses - Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
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  Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology 2023-2025 Course Listing GSAPP Courses Clinical Psychology 821  

Clinical Psychology 821

18:821:535 Psychoanalytic Theories of Personality (3) This course is designed to provide students with a deeper understanding of psychoanalytic and psychodynamic theories and concepts, with a particular emphasis on how to apply these principles when working with clients. Each theory provides a valuable lens through which to view human development, psychopathology, and treatment, and this course will examine both the unifying ideas and important areas of divergence among the various psychoanalytic/psychodynamic theories discussed. This course will focus on concepts such as transference and countertransference, defenses, drives and affects, resistance, and other key issues in psychoanalytic/psychodynamic psychotherapy, as well as highlight how these have been operationalized in treatment manuals used to research the efficacy of psychodynamic psychotherapy. Treatment issues raised by differing levels of psychopathology and by different sociocultural backgrounds will also be discussed. Prerequisites: For clinical students: Analytic Foundations. School psychology students without Analytic Foundations may be welcome with the permission of the instructor. Others are welcome with permission of instructor.
18:821:537/538 Treatment of At-Risk Ethnic Minority Adolescents in Clinics and Schools (BA) Addresses the treatment of at-risk, ethnic-minority adolescents in clinics and schools. Explores culture dynamics for African-American and Latino adolescents and their families. Provides clinical as well as school-based interventions. The course will include individual, group, and family therapy interventions. The multisystems model will be introduced as a conceptual framework for comprehensive work with adolescents. Motivational interviewing techniques will be taught as an evidence-based individual treatment that is particularly useful with adolescents who are initially resistant to treatment. The issues of violence prevention and gang involvement in schools and communities will be explored. SANKOFA, a culturally sensitive, evidence-based group treatment intervention will be discussed. Strategies for involving ethnic minority families in our treatment interventions in clinics and schools will be explored throughout the course.
18:821:543 Psychological Clinic Practicum (0.5) Required of all clinical and school students.
18:821:544,545,546 Psychological Clinic Practicum (2,2,1) Learn experientially how to function as a member of the professional outpatient staff in the GSAPP Psychological Clinic, with weekly supervision by licensed psychologists to: a) provide therapy and assessment services (according to your training goals) to clients with adult, child, marital, and family problems; b) meet with assigned supervisors weekly, one hour for each client session; c) collect fees; and d) submit required clinical records. Register every semester in which new or ongoing clients will be seen through the Psychological Clinic, either for assessment or therapy. ALL FIRST YEAR STUDENTS MUST REGISTER FOR AT LEAST 1 CREDIT for the fall semester. You must register for all clients seen in the Psychological Clinic: 1 Client=1E credit. If you have completed your GSAPP clinic requirements or if you choose to meet course experiential requirements in off-campus settings with supervision in that setting, then you are not required to register for Psychological Clinic Practicum. Second-year clinical Psy.D. students are expected to work with two clients. Students seeing one client, register for 18:821:546:01 (1 credit); students seeing two clients, register for 18:821:544:01 (2 credits); students seeing three clients, register for 18:821:544:01 and 18:821:546:01 (3 credits total); students seeing four clients, register for 18:821:544:01 and 18:821:545:01 (4 credits total).
18:821:547 Introduction to Group Psychotherapy (3)
The study of group leadership and group therapy covered through lectures and readings; experiential process group and/or observation of an ongoing psychotherapy group; sharing or group leadership experiences; and observation of videotapes.
18:821:555 Applications of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety and Depression (3) This course focuses on the clinical application of specific behavioral and cognitive principles and practices that are used with adults with anxiety and depression. The focus is on adult populations, but the principles and practices have broad applicability. Principles will include cognitive and learning theories. Practices will include case conceptualization, treatment planning, progress/outcomes monitoring, exposure-based interventions, behavioral activation, and cognitive restructuring. The course will also expose students to third-wave practices, such as mindfulness and values-based behavioral approaches (e.g., Acceptance and Commitment Therapy). Students are required to complete an experiential component of the course, which typically entails applying course-taught techniques with a case that the student is seeing through the school clinic or at the student's external practicum. Prerequisite: 18:820:504 (school), 820:509 (clinical), or instructor's approval.
18:821:557 Serious Mental Illness: Hospital and Community Care (3) Introduces modern therapeutic approaches to the treatment of serious mental illness. Topics covered include: treatment of basic psychopathology and core psychological issues involved in recovery; evolution and rationale of various approaches to and components of hospital and community care; and special systematic and clinical issues associated work with this population (e.g., interaction with physicians, use of restraints, medical-legal issues, etc.)
18:821:558 Learning Disabilities - Adult (2)
Training in psychological assessment and integrative report writing is a fundamental and necessary requisite for being a well-rounded psychologist. The primary objective of this course is to teach and train students on individual psychological tests (cognitive, academic, neuropsychological, objective personality) in preparation for conducting cognitive evaluations through the GSAPP Center for Psychological Services Clinic. Through didactic lecture, experiential group exercises, and group supervision of cases, students are expected to demonstrate knowledge and competency in the administration, scoring, and interpretation of various assessment tools, and understand how foundations of assessment are relevant to the field. In addition to providing training on particular assessment tools, the course is also designed to expose students to a range of disorders that are commonly assessed using cognitive measures (ADHD, Specific Learning Disorder, etc.). This course is designed for student interaction and application of principles offsets and measurement. The didactic component of the course will be expanded by case data presentations, pragmatic experiential experiences (e.g., in-class mock administration/scoring of measures), and group discussion of cases.
18:821:561 Health Psychology (3) This course is designed to introduce students to the field of health psychology, including an overview of psychology and health, stress, coping, health promotion, substance use, health disparities, weight management and nutrition, positive psychology/spirituality/meaning, pain, chronic illness and complementary and integrative medicine, health services and adherence, heart disease and stroke, cancer, HIV/AIDS, and the future of health psychology. There is a focus on applications to clinical practice, including individual, group, and community-level interventions, working related clinical systems, and dissemination and implementation science.
18:821:562 Behavioral Couples Therapy (3) Introduces students to national couple trends and normative couple behavior. Teaches theoretical and empirical bases of behavioral couples therapy and clinical applications. Topics include interviewing; ethics; self-report and observational assessment procedures; treatment planning; intervention techniques such as behavior exchange, communication, and problem solving; and cognitive and affective interventions. Applies behavioral couples therapy to couples from diverse ethnic/racial backgrounds and to gay/lesbian couples.
18:821:568 Eating and Weight Disorders (3) Provides an overview of the epidemiology, causes, and treatment of obesity and eating disorders. The focus is on the interplay among biological, psychological, and cultural factors of the development and maintenance of these disorders. Open to students from doctoral programs in psychology and nutrition.
18:821:569 Psychodynamic Psychotherapy with Diverse Populations (3) It is becoming increasingly imperative for psychologists to develop cultural awareness and competencies in working across differences (and similarities) arising from race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, spiritual beliefs, social class, and other important aspects of identity. This course is designed to introduce students to the theory and practice of psychodynamic psychotherapy for adults from diverse populations, with a particular focus on racial, ethnic, and cultural minorities and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals. This course will focus on concepts such as transference and countertransference, defenses, affects, and resistance that may emerge when working with clients from diverse backgrounds. This course will also address the mental health effects of social oppression as well as the social construction of race and gender from a psychodynamic perspective. Clinical and school psychology students may use this course as an elective for their diversity requirement. Prerequisites: An introductory knowledge of psychodynamic theory is presupposed, as well as some knowledge of social psychology and some basic knowledge of diversity issues.
18:821:601 Independent Study in Clinical Psychology (3) Register for "By Arrangement" credits. Prior to registration, students should consult faculty members to determine arrangements. Students are required to submit papers based on their studies. Faculty member must sign-off on gold-colored "Independent Study" form. Submit signed form to student services coordinator. Prerequisite: Students must consult faculty members to determine arrangements.
18:821:603 Psychotherapy Integration (3) This seminar covers the history of psychotherapy integration, the major established approaches to psychotherapy integration with individuals and couples, application of integration to DSM-5 disorders, research on psychotherapy integration, and the future of psychotherapy integration. All major models of psychotherapy can be considered for integration within this class. Students will learn several evolving perspectives on psychotherapy integration, demonstrate familiarity with several specific models of combining treatments from different psychotherapy orientations, learn and demonstrate their own coherent application of the material, and demonstrate familiarity with the empirical support that these treatments have received. The course considers diverse clients and multiple disorders and problems to which psychotherapy integration can be applied. It also provides a space for students to consider any of the various established treatment models that excite them and combine them in a coherent and useful fashion, thus building on what they have learned from the foundations and single orientation classes they have had thus far.
18:821:605 Integrative Perspectives on Trauma (3) This course is designed to introduce students to the treatment of trauma-spectrum disorders, focusing on interventions for adults. Evidence-based treatments for PTSD and Complex Trauma will be reviewed, with emphasis on clinical examples and applications. Individual, family, and community approaches to understanding trauma will be presented, as well as political and ecological perspectives that reflect the prevalence of trauma-spectrum disorders in global mental health. Informed by a philosophy and value of cultural responsiveness, the course examines the applicability and appropriateness of major trauma interventions for various cultural and ethnic communities.
18:821:608/609 Clinical Research and Treatment for Youth Anxiety and Depression (BA) This clinical applications course will provide didactic and experiential training in state-of-the-art diagnostic, assessment, and treatment procedures for youth anxiety and mood disorders (ages 8-17). Course 608 is run in the fall and is open to anyone. Course 609 runs in the spring and is only open to students who are selected for the Youth Anxiety and Depression Clinic practicum. In the fall (608) course, students will become competent in the administration of a structured diagnostic interview (e.g., Anxiety Disorders Interview Scale; Child Depression Rating Scale) and objective measurement (e.g., Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children, Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale). Students will develop a knowledge base of theoretical and empirical research on the phenomenology, assessment, and treatment of internalizing disorders in youth, focusing on evidence-based protocols. Students will receive didactic and experiential training in multiple manual-based treatments, including the Coping Cat, Primary and Secondary Enhancement Therapy, and the Individual Behavioral Activation Therapy protocols. Students who enroll for the course may also participate in a clinical research setting, recruiting research participants, collecting data, administering assessments, and providing treatment. This will provide a model for how research can be completed within a service setting. Students must receive permission from the instructor prior to enrolling for or attending this course. Prerequisite: Student must be selected by instructor to take this course.
18:821:610 Advanced Studies in Clinical Psychology (BA)

18:821:612 Fundamentals of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (3) Familiarizes students with dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), an evidence-based psychosocial treatment initially developed for suicidal individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD). Students will be taught the primary theories, principles, and strategies that inform DBT. Students will also become familiar with the latest research on DBT for BPD as well as adaptations for other populations. Lecture, demonstration, multimedia applications, and group discussion will be used as the primary teaching methods. DBT is a complex treatment with multiple facets. This course will be a necessary prerequisite before using DBT in an applied setting.
18:821:613 Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Practice (3)
Focuses on the clinical application of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), an evidence based treatment designed for individuals with borderline personality disorder and comorbid psychological disorders. Students learn how to conduct a multidimensional assessment using structured clinical interviews, generate a DBT case conceptualization, and implement DBT. Students will have a variety of opportunities to gain experiential practice that may include DBT individual therapy, co-therapy on a DBT case, rating tapes of DBT sessions, and/or co-leading DBT skills-training groups. The emphasis for experiential practice will be on developing adherence to the DBT model, maintaining fidelity to the model, and conducting outcomes and psychotherapy process assessment in clinical cases. Topics will focus primarily on adult cases. This course is part of a one-to-two year practicum experience.
Prerequisites: 18:821:612 and/or instructor's approval.
821:614 Practice in DBT II (BA) This course is the second of a yearlong sequence that focuses on the clinical application of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), an evidence-based treatment designed for individuals with borderline personality disorder and comorbid psychological disorders. Students learn how to conduct a multidimensional assessment using structured clinical interviews, generate a DBT case conceptualization, and implement DBT. Students will have a variety of opportunities to gain experiential practice that may include DBT individual therapy, co-therapy on a DBT case, rating tapes of DBT sessions, and/or co-leading DBT skills training groups. The emphasis for experiential practice will be on developing adherence to the DBT model, maintaining fidelity to the model, and conducting outcomes and psychotherapy process assessment in clinical cases. Topics will focus primarily on adult cases. This course is part of a one-to-two year practicum experience. Prerequisites: 18:821:613 and instructor's approval.
18:821:615,616 Family Therapy (3,3)
Discusses family systems theory as a new paradigm for conceptualizing human dilemmas; major theoreticians and schools in the family therapy field; core concepts and their relevance for the clinical application; phases of psychotherapy with a family, basic interventions, implementation of change, and the main attitudes of a family therapist exemplified through clinical experiences; formulation of a psychosocial assessment of a family system with the therapist's use of self within the "therapeutic system." Participants study their own clinical work and focus on specific strategies of intervention according to different types of families. Family therapy case with supervision required.
This is a yearlong course; both semesters required. Prerequisites: Advanced standing. Previous counseling/therapy experience and coursework required.
18:821:617 Psychoanalytic Case Formulation and Diagnosis (3) This course will utilize clinical experiences with adult and child psychotherapy clients to focus on complex clinical issues in psychodynamic psychotherapy, integrating case presentations with assigned reading from the empirical, theoretical/clinical, and professional literatures. Students will have several opportunities to present diagnostic and session material, as well as to develop consultation skills. This course also offers an exciting opportunity to learn from and to receive case consultation from senior clinicians at the Austen Riggs Center, a residential psychodynamic treatment facility in Stockbridge, MA. The Austen Riggs Center has been providing high-quality psychodynamic care for patients with severe mental illness for the past 100 years. Faculty from the Austen Riggs Center will join course sessions via Zoom to present on a variety of psychoanalytic topics unique to their milieu as well as to provide consultation for ongoing clinical cases being presented in this seminar.
18:821:624 Theory and Practice of CBT II (3) Required of Ph.D. clinical students and open to Psy.D clinical students.  The focus is mainly on the dissemination and implementation of evidence-based CBT treatments for adults. There is an emphasis on effective global applications of CBT including the nature of successful cultural adaptations of specific treatments for problems such as depression, substance abuse, and eating disorders. Different forms of diversity (e.g., sexual orientation) are also covered. Required of clinical Ph.D. students. Prerequisite: Only students who took the spring segment may register for fall.
18:821:625 Theory and Practice of CBT I (3) Required of all first-year Ph.D. students in the clinical program; open to students from the Psy.D. program. Provides comprehensive and in-depth coverage of cognitive behavior therapy for adult clinical disorders. The guiding principles of social learning (social cognitive) theory are emphasized. Consistent with the philosophy of the clinical Ph.D. program, the course integrates theory, research methodology, and clinical application. Required of all first-year Ph.D. students in the clinical program.
18:821:626 Evidence-Based Treatment: Dissemination, Implementation, and Scalability (3) Patients are not receiving evidence-based treatments in routine clinical care. Even when patients do receive these treatments they may not be optimally implemented. The course focuses on barriers to improved implementation such as the striking lack of research on training for empirically-supported psychosocial interventions and what might be done to remedy the problems. Innovative implementation strategies that are also scalable include the creative use of technology-guided self-help and task-sharing with nonspecialized health care providers. Other topics include the train-the-trainer approach, community-based partnership research, and cultural adaptation of empirically supported treatments.
18:821:630 Assessment and Treatment of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (3) Provides an overview of theory and research on the nature, assessment, and treatment of alcohol problems, abuse, and dependence. Includes models to conceptualize how people with drinking problems change, approaches to assessment, and models of treatment. Drug abuse is covered somewhat as well. Evidence-based practice in the treatment and assessment of substance-abuse disorders is emphasized. An experiential element is included as part of the coursework for the class. This can be in the form of a clinic substance-abuse case, a self-change project, and/or several other options for experience with substance-abuse treatment. Prerequisite: 18:820:567. This course is a prerequisite for or must be concurrent with a PACT practicum. 
18:821:631 Behavioral Medicine (3) Provides an introduction to the nature of behavioral medicine and a selective focus on the implementation of applied behavioral interventions for specific health-related problems.
18:821:633 Existential, Phenomenological, and Humanistic Psychology and Psychotherapyy (3) The course offers an introduction to existential, phenomenological, and humanistic approaches in clinical psychology and psychotherapy. The primary emphasis will be on existential-humanistic therapy and existential analysis, and on phenomenological approaches to treatment, with attention paid to cultural and multicultural issues connected with these developments. More than other psychological approaches, existentialism and humanism emphasize the importance of a sense of meaning and the role a person's general orientation or vision of existence can play in psychological well-being. Phenomenology seeks a rich and accurate understanding of subjective life--of "what it is like" to be a particular individual or to experience a particular kind of mental disorder. Students will be introduced to the psychological, philosophical, and cultural perspectives that have inspired and undergird these approaches. The focus, however, is on clinical interventions and their theoretical basis, hence on the relevance such perspectives have for practice, especially in psychotherapy. Not offered every year.
18:821:634 The Schizophrenia Spectrum: Multidisciplinary Perspectives (3) Provides a comprehensive introduction to schizophrenia and the schizophrenia spectrum of disorders, with a focus on the nature of the psychopathology, its causes, and current psychological forms of treatment. Emphasis will be placed on considering these disorders in a variety of different perspectives including psychology, cognitive science, psychiatry, phenomenology, philosophy, and cultural anthropology. Special attention will be paid to the subjective dimension--the patient's own experience of, and perspective on, his or her illness.
18:821:635 Integrative Couple Therapy I Students will learn the theoretical and empirical bases of various modalities of couples therapy, such as Behavioral Couple Therapy, Emotionally Focused Therapy, Imago, Experiential/Body-Based Treatment, and the Gottman Method. Students will also learn about treating couples using systems- and multiculturally-informed perspectives. To facilitate application of the material, students will review tape of real couples therapy sessions and may have the option to take on their own couple case. Special topics include trauma, mindfulness/self-regulation, individual psychopathology, family caregiving (kids, parents, extended family), sex therapy, infidelity, intimate partner violence, and separation/divorce. Students will have the opportunity to take this as a year-long course to receive comprehensive training in couple therapy. However, students have the option of taking either semester of this course, depending on scheduling availability and interests in topics
18:821:636 Integrative Couple Therapy II Students will learn the theoretical and empirical bases of various modalities of couples therapy, such as Behavioral Couple Therapy, Emotionally Focused Therapy, Imago, Experiential/Body-Based Treatment, and the Gottman Method. Students will also learn about treating couples using systems- and multiculturally-informed perspectives. To facilitate application of the material, students will review tape of real couples therapy sessions and may have the option to take on their own couple case. Special topics include trauma, mindfulness/self-regulation, individual psychopathology, family caregiving (kids, parents, extended family), sex therapy, infidelity, intimate partner violence, and separation/divorce. Students will have the opportunity to take this as a year-long course to receive comprehensive training in couple therapy. However, students have the option of taking either semester of this course, depending on scheduling availability and interests in topics covered.
18:821:637 Basic Principles and Methods of Psychoanalytic Therapy (3) This course focuses on the clinical application of evidence-based psychodynamic/psychoanalytic treatment models for adult clients. Students will learn how to conduct a multidimensional psychodynamic assessment using semistructured clinical interviews, generate a psychodynamic case conceptualization, and implement an evidence-based treatment model. The evidence-based psychodynamic treatments to be covered include: Transference-Focused Psychotherapy (TFP), Mentalization-Based Therapy (MBT), and Interpersonal Reconstructive Therapy (IRT). Prerequisite: 18:821:535 or permission of instructor.
18:821:639,640 Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (3,3) Psychodynamic understanding and technique as applied to the short-term treatment (10 to 35 sessions) of selected clients; current models of practice based on either drive/structural, relational, cognitive/dynamic, emotion-focused or integrative concepts; and theory and application demonstrated through use of videotapes. Discussion topics include psychotherapy integration, transference and resistance, curative factors, research approaches, gender and sociocultural factors, modern attachment and mindfulness-based approaches, and values and visions in psychotherapy. Therapy case with supervision required. Yearlong course; both semesters required for credit to be given. Prerequisite: Previous course in psychoanalytic theory or therapy and/or supervised experience in psychodynamic therapy.
18:821:641 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Foundations Supervision (1.5) Required of first-year clinical students.
18:821:642 Psychodynamic Foundations Supervision (1.5) Required of first-year clinical students.
18:821:643 Advanced Analytic Supervision (1)
For advanced students seeing clients in long-term, analytically influenced therapy. Students present their work for help in the areas of dynamic and diagnostic formulations, analysis of transference and resistance configurations, exploration of individual and group countertransference, and counterresistance phenomena.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
18:821:644 Multicultural Supervision (1) Advanced students seeing diverse clients in cross-cultural therapy will present their work for help in areas of cross-cultural formulation and treatment. Cultural diversity is defined broadly to mean any differences (between client and therapist) including but not limited to race, ethnicity, national status, religion, ability, gender identity, and sexual orientation, etc. The supervision will emphasize self-awareness in the therapist regarding their own cultural beliefs and assumptions and facilitate a cross-cultural understanding of individual and group transference, counter transference, and resistance configurations to enhance treatment effectiveness. Although the focus will largely be on individual and couples cases, students interested in presenting cross-cultural group therapy or outreach activities are also welcome.
18:821:645 Advanced Group Therapy Supervision (1)
For students who have special interest in group psychotherapy. Includes discussion of groups being lead or co-lead at the GSAPP clinic or at students' practicum sites.  Discussions will include treatment group's content and process, leadership and co-leadership issues, transference and countertransference issues, and parallel process issues that may emerge within the context of the supervision group. To highlight certain learning points, the supervision group's process may be explored as well. Students must be leading or co-leading a psychotherapy group, or be willing to start a group during the semester. Additionally, students must be willing to participate in the preliminary activities (promoting the group, screening candidates, etc.) required for starting a psychotherapy group.
Prerequisite: 18:821:547 Introduction to Group Psychotherapy, its equivalent, or special permission from the instructor.         
18:821:647 Advanced Couples Therapy Supervision (1) For those with special interest in couples therapy. Includes training for, and supervision of, couples therapy provided in the GSAPP clinic. Its primary focus will be upon emotionally focused couples therapy, Susan Johnson's empirically supported model, though contributions of other models will be discussed as well. Training modalities will include didactic training, viewing of training tapes, review of students' videotaped cases, and role playing of couple/therapist interactions. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor, with preference being given to students who have taken Behavioral Couples Therapy or Family Therapy or have previous experience in couples therapy.       
18:821:648 Professional Identity Development and Presentation (1.5) The supervision will focus on professional skill development in clarifying one's professional identity, and representing oneself and one's clinical work in writing and in interviews for American Psychological Association (APA)-accredited internships, postdoctoral fellowships, licensure, and employment. Class activities will include interactive exercises and individualized and group guidance and coaching.
18:821:649 Current Science and Practice within the LGBTQ (3) This course is an extension of GSAPP's 821:650 (GLBT Clinical Issues) and 821:650 (Gender and Psychotherapy) and provides in-depth review of the psychological literature as it pertains to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ) communities. While the LGBTQ communities present with diverse challenges, the sociopolitical perspective has combined the groups as one community, and this course will differentiate issues between the groups, highlight the main clinical presentations, assess treatment modalities specific to the LGBTQ experience, and review the evidence-based research within the practice of applied and professional psychology with the LGBTQ communities to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ) communities.
18:821:650 Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Clinical Issues This course is intended to focus on the psychological experiences of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) populations. Topics in clinical practice to be covered include: GLBT sensitivity when assessing and treating clients, the effects of heterosexism and prejudice, variations on the coming out process, diversity within the GLBT community, bullying in schools and online, the impact of the social and legal evolution of marriage and familiarization with sexual/health topics relevant in working with GLBT clients. The course will have both didactic and experiential group process components.
18:821:653,654 Clinical Practicum Supervision (1,1)
Biweekly group supervision to discuss cases and issues that arise in practicum settings.
Required for first-year clinical Psy.D. students.
18:821:655 Training, Supervision, and Consultation: Expanded Roles and Competencies of Health Service Psychologists (3) The professional roles of psychologists are ever-expanding and today's clinical psychologists must be prepared to assume multiple roles throughout one's career. This class is designed to expose students to the current body of research on training, clinical supervision, and professional consultation in psychology. Training refers to the educational and instructional processes involved in the initial (e.g., graduate education) or ongoing (e.g., continuing education) learning to establish competence as a psychologist. Supervision refers to mentored activities that influence a provider's direct or indirect service with clients of psychological care. Consultation refers to a diverse array of activities wherein psychologists provide specialty services or work in collaboration across professions and in diverse settings (e.g., medical, school, forensic, business). The course includes multiple experiential assignments and learning opportunities to begin the student's development in training and supervisory competencies. Prerequisite: Must be a third-year clinical student or above.
18:821:657,658 Internship in Clinical Psychology (3,3)
Required for all Psy.D. students in the clinical psychology program, usually during the fourth or fifth year of training. Provides a 12-month (1,750 hours) supervised experience in a setting determined by the program chair and the student.
Prerequisites: Students must have completed all coursework and required pre-internship practicum hours and successfully passed the written comprehensive exams.    
18:821:659 Part-Time Internship in Clinical Psychology (BA)
For students who have approval to complete the supervised experience over a two-year period. Register for 2 credits in the fall and 1 credit in the spring semester, totaling 3 credits each year. 
Prerequisite: Special permission from the department chair.  
18:821:665 Seminar in Sex Therapy Principles of sexual therapy; includes medical aspects and couples/interpersonal therapy, in addition to CBT. The new pharmacology and sexology. Cultural and interpersonal perspectives. Biopsychosocial formulation of sexual problems. Assessment and treatment strategies. Male and female sexual dysfunction. Rise of cognitive and educational interventions. Treatment outcomes. Legal, ethical, and professional issues
18:821:668,669 Advanced Cognitive-Behavioral Supervision (BA,BA)
Cases presented; discussions focus on assessment and intervention methods.
For advanced students.
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