The Hispanic Organization of Professional Psychology Students (HOPPS) was formed in March 1985 by a group of Spanish-speaking students. In April 1986, black students organized the Black Students of Graduate and Professional Psychology Programs (BSGPPP). Both groups are composed of doctoral students enrolled in the Psy.D. programs and the clinical Ph.D. program at Rutgers. The goal of these organizations is to enhance the personal and professional development of Hispanic and black graduate students.
The primary objectives are (1) to facilitate the recruitment and admission of qualified and competent Hispanic and black students; (2) to support the efforts of incoming and continuing Hispanic and black students; (3) to collaborate with other student and alumni organizations within the Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology community; (4) to sponsor educational activities that pertain to the delivery of mental health services to black and Hispanic populations; and (5) to support the efforts of local, state, and national organizations devoted to the enhancement of mental health service delivery to the black and Hispanic communities.