2004-2005 Academic Year
Note: The university reserves
the right to alter the amounts indicated on the following schedule at
any time before the first day of classes of a term.
Application Fee, nonrefundable $ 50.00
Tuition (first year) *
Full-time New Jersey resident, per term 5,343.60
Full-time non-New Jersey resident, per term 7,939.80
Part-time New Jersey resident, per credit 445.30
Part-time non-New Jersey resident, per credit 661.65
Student Fee, per term
Full time (12 or more credits) 460.50
Part time (11 or fewer credits) 120.50
Off-Campus College Fee (full time) 505.80
Off-Campus College Fee (part time) 126.45
Matriculation continued or 1 credit of research 7.00
Miscellaneous Fees
Basic health insurance program
(optional), per term (part-time students only) ** 121.25
Major medical insurance plan (optional), per term *** **** 207.00
Spouse, per term 207.00
Each child, per term 207.00
Sevis Fee *** 100.00
Computer fee
Full time 125.00
Part time ** 50.00
Late registration fee 50.00
Late payment fee 125.00
Partial payment fee 25.00
Late payment fee for partial payments 25.00
Returned check fee 10.00
Microfilming of doctoral dissertation 55.00
Student ID fee 15.00
Restoral fee
Fee, per term 445.30
Maximum (through five terms) 2,226.50
(applies to students who allow their registration to lapse and wish to be restored to active status)
Housing, per term ****
Dormitory, including breaks 2,569.00
Dormitory, calendar year 3,294.00
University apartments, including breaks 2,900.00
University apartments, calendar year 3,429.00
Note: All breakage and damage to university property are billed in
full. The university is not responsible for loss by fire or theft of
private property in its buildings.