Ph.D., Utah
Nancy S. Fagley joined the Rutgers faculty in 1983 after completing her
Ph.D. at the University of Utah. Her research and publications have
focused on several areas: factors affecting judgment and decision
making among professional psychologists, appreciation and psychological
well-being, testwiseness and school achievement, decision framing and
choice of risky versus conservative options, and methodological issues.
Recent publications include "Framing Effects and Arenas of Choice: Your
Money or Your Life?" in Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes; "A Note Concerning Reflection Effects Versus Framing Effects," in the Psychological Bulletin; and "Correlates of College Retention and GPA: Learning and Study Strategies, Testwiseness, Attitudes, and ACT," in the Journal of College Counseling. Dr. Fagley serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Applied School Psychology and has served as a reviewer for a number of scholarly journals including
Psychological Bulletin, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision
Processes, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, Journal of Applied
Social Psychology, Sex Roles, and Journal of Applied Behavioral Science.