certificate is a grouping of five or so courses, offered by key,
multiple departments, that if taken, indicate that the student has
developed cross-disciplinary expertise in a particular subject area.
Certificates can be awarded by any of the participating departments or
programs. Each participating department, school, or program has a
coordinator for the certificate. The certificate differs from a
concentration in that multiple Rutgers departments or schools are
involved in the certificate.
Transportation Studies Certificate
The Bloustein School, in partnership with the Rutgers School of Engineering,
offers a cross-disciplinary program leading to the graduate certificate
in transportation studies. The certificate is open to matriculated
graduate students in the two graduate programs at the Bloustein School
(urban planning and policy development and public policy) and in the
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. The certificate is
offered with two concentrations: technology and design and policy and
planning. The technology and design concentration focuses on analysis
and design issues and is directed at students with an interest in
transportation and traffic engineering and facility design. The policy
and planning concentration focuses on the policy and planning process
and is directed at students with these interests. In general, the
student enrolls in one of the programs at the master's level and, upon
graduating, receives a transportation studies certificate signifying
completion of the program at the same time the student receives his or
her master's degree. Under some circumstances, doctoral students may be
admitted to the certificate program.
Graduate Certificate in Transportation Management: Vulnerability, Risk and Security
The Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy is pleased to offer a graduate certificate in Transportation Management: Vulnerability, Risk and Security, developed by a coalition of faculty and staff from the School of Engineering and the School of Arts and Sciences. The 15-credit program is designed for Rutgers-New Brunswick graduate students with an interest in a risk analysis approach to transportation policy. Students in this program will develop expertise that can be applied to future work and research in the field of transportation planning and management through a multidisciplinary approach. The approach grounds students in the disciplines of engineering, health, sociology, geography, environmental planning, and risk management. The background provided by the certificate will enable students to work with security systems in a comprehensive approach to reducing risk exposures and develop efficient interdisciplinary networks in response to complex problems related to system vulnerabilities.
The certificate has two required courses, the initial course in transit management and planning and a penultimate seminar, challenging the students to draw from all their certificate courses in the completion of their final project. Electives can be satisfied from a series of courses given by faculty from the Bloustein School, Rutgers School of Engineering, and from the School of Arts and Sciences programs in geography and sociology. The certificate is recognized by all of these programs as accepted concentrations for their respective graduate programs.
Geospatial Information Science Certificate
certificate program in geospatial information science is offered by a
faculty drawn from the Bloustein School, the Department of Geography,
and the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences. The
certificate program provides an in-depth, interdisciplinary examination
of the emerging discipline of geospatial information, focusing both on
the development of theory and on the application of geographic
information systems.
Historic Preservation Certificate
The graduate certificate in historic preservation is a
cross-disciplinary graduate program administered by the Edward J.
Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy and the Department of
Art History. This certificate program is open to graduate students
enrolled in and working toward completion of any of Rutgers graduate masters or doctoral programs.
Human Dimensions of Environmental Change
The human dimensions of environmental change certificate is a cross-disciplinary graduate
program administered by the programs in planning and public policy
within the Edward J. Bloustein School. This certificate program is only
open to graduate students enrolled in and working toward completion of
the master of city and regional planning (M.C.R.P.) program. There is a
symmetrical urban planning certificate available to public policy
graduate students.
Graduate Certificate in Public Policy
The graduate certificate in public policy is a cross-disciplinary graduate
program administered by the programs in planning and public policy
within the Edward J. Bloustein School. This certificate program is only
open to graduate students enrolled in and working towards completion of
master of city and regional planning (
M.C.R.P.) program. There is a symmetrical urban planning certificate available to public policy graduate students.
The most current information about all certificate programs may be found at the Bloustein School website.