50:220:102 Microeconomic Principles (3)
50:220:103 Macroeconomic Principles (3)
50:220:203 Intermediate Economic Theory: Microeconomics (3) or 50:220:212 Sports Economics (3) or 50:220:308 Managerial Economics (3)
or 50:220:313 Economics of Labor (3).
50:220:204 Intermediate Economic Theory: Macroeconomics (3) or 50:220:301 Money and Banking (3)
or 50:220:325 Financial Market and Institution (3) or 50:220:329 Economics of International Finance (3) or 50:220:363 Economics of Investment and Capital Markets (3).
economics electives (9)
Note: Credit toward an economics major or minor
is given only for economics department courses in which a student
receives a grade of C or better.