Writing Public Arguments (W) (3)
Intensive study and practice in the rhetoric of argument; emphasis on composing persuasive texts addressing the public on a range of issues.
Formerly Persuasive Writing.
The Art of Revision (W) (3)
Intensive practice in composing and revising texts with an emphasis on developing audience awareness and a clear, fluid style.
Formerly The Art of Writing.
Technical Communication (W) (3)
Practice in producing usable, informative, reader-based documents in a range of media (written, oral, electronic) with an emphasis on collaboration and on communicating specialized knowledge to nontechnical audiences.
Formerly Scientific and Technical Writing.
Business Writing (W) (3)
Intensive study and practice in organizational communication; emphasis on workplace genres including correspondence, reports, presentations, and employment documents.
Formerly Writing for the Professions.
Introduction to Writing Studies (3)
An orientation to theoretical, historical, and pedagogical issues associated with writing as cognitive, social, and material practice.
Formerly The Teaching of Writing.
Introduction to Creative Writing (3)
Introduction to the writer's craft that surveys available genres of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction.
Poetry Writing Workshop (3)
Study of the creative process involved in the writing of poetry, the techniques and discipline required, and trends in contemporary poetry.
Fiction Writing Workshop (3)
Study and practice of specific stylistic
techniques used by professional writers in fiction and nonfiction. For
students with a serious interest in writing.
The Personal Essay (3)
Writing workshop focusing on the use of personal autobiographical material.
Advanced Academic Writing (W) (3)
Intensive study and practice of writing in academic contexts with an emphasis on scholarly standards in research, exposition, and argumentation.
Writing New Media (W) (3)
Introduction to writing in digital and networked environments; emphasis on how technology shapes discourse in emerging genres associated with the World Wide Web.
Special Topics in Writing (W) (3)
Course with a specific genre of writing as chosen by the instructor.
Advanced Writing (3,3)
Advanced instruction and practice in expository, scientific, technical, or business writing.
Advanced Creative Writing (3,3)
Advanced work in creative writing.
Independent Study Creative Writing (3,3)
The opportunity for advanced students to work individually with an instructor on a self-designed creative writing project. The project culminates in a substantial work of fiction, creative nonfiction, or poetry.
Poetry Writing II (3)
Advanced and further study of the creative process involved in the writing of poetry.
Prerequisite: 50:989:306 or permission of instructor.
Fiction Writing II (3)
Advanced and further study of the creative process involved in the writing of fiction.
Prerequisite: 50:989:307 or permission of instructor.