50:120:101 General Biology I (3)*
50:120:211 Microbiology and Its Application (4)
50:120:253-254 Anatomy and Physiology I,II (4,4)
50:160:107-108 General Chemistry I,II (4,4)
50:350:101-102 English Composition I,II (3,3)
50:830:101 Introduction to Psychology (3)
50:830:340 Abnormal Psychology (3)
50:830:226 Psychology of Childhood (3)
50:830:250 Statistics for Social Science (3)
50:920:207 Introduction to Sociology (3)
50:920:306 Sociology of the Family (3)
50:960:183 Elementary Applied Statistics (3)
literature elective (3)
humanities electives** (9)
*General Biology I (3 credits, nonlaboratory) is a required course as of fall 2008 for incoming first-year and new transfer students, and is strongly encouraged (though not required) for all other students.
**Humanities electives are to represent a broad range of subjects in keeping with college requirements and are to be selected in consultation with a nursing adviser. A maximum of 6 credits from any single discipline are accepted as elective credit. Courses are selected from anthropology, economics, fine arts, foreign language, history, philosophy, political science, religion, mathematics, and computer science.