52:620:301Social Responsibility of Business (3) Economic, legal, ethical, and social issues that arise out of a business organization`s relationships with such internal and external stakeholders as the employees, clients, customers, the government, and the public at large. |
52:620:303Organizational Behavior (3) An examination of the human dynamics in organizations, focusing on individuals and small groups in organizational settings. Concentrates on communications, leadership, control systems, organization structures, and the thinking of leading organization theorists. Prerequisite: 50:830:235. |
52:620:305Business Communication (3) The study of spoken and written communication in business. Planning, composing, and carrying out communications with employees, management, stockholders, customers, the general public, and government. Roughly half of the course involves written communication and half involves spoken communication. Prerequisite: 50:350:101. |
52:620:312Operations Management (3) A study of the methods used to solve problems typically confronted in the management of production facilities and office services. Topics include the location and layout of facilities and operations, methods analysis and work measurement, materials handling, production control, inventory control, quality control, office automation, budgeting, and decision making. Prerequisites: 52:620:321, 50:960:284. |
52:620:320Total Quality Management (3) Key principles of TQM including information and analysis, strategic quality planning, process quality management, operational results, and customer satisfaction. Focus on increasing productivity through continuous improvement in quality. Prerequisites: 52:620:312, 321. |
52:620:321Management Science I (3) Applications of quantitative models drawn from operations research and basic mathematics as applied to simple and multiple criteria decision problems in organizations. Prerequisites: 50:198:110, 50:640:130, 50:960:283. |
52:620:365Human Resources Management (3) Emphasizes human resources management as a major function within organizations with special emphasis on business problems and strategic decision making required of the human resources manager. Topics studied include planning, recruitment, selection, training and employee development, compensation, union- management relations, and the integrative function performed by human resources management. Prerequisite: 52:620:303. |
52:620:367Labor-Management Relations (3) A study of the relationships between management and employee organizations in the private and public sectors. Topics include the historical development of labor-management relations, the surrounding legislative framework, and the processes of collective negotiation and contract administration, including grievance handling, arbitration, and other conciliation processes. Prerequisite: 52:620:303. |
52:620:369The Management of Multinational Business (3) The theoretical and practical aspects of a firm operating in an international environment, problems and risks that may be encountered, and various bases for profitable operations. Prerequisite: 52:620:303. |
52:620:450Business Policy (3) An integrative course in general management oriented to an overall view of policy formulation from the perspective of senior managers. Case studies used as supplementary readings. Students expected to analyze situations, isolate major problems, and recommend solutions. Prerequisites: 96 credits and completion of business core. |
52:620:467Women and Men in Management (3) Investigation of the research and corporate practice pertaining to the movement of women and men into management positions. Areas covered include the expansion of traditional gender roles, resistance to this change, occupational choices and gender, de facto discrimination, sex role stereotyping, organizational response, and current labor force patterns. Prerequisite: 52:620:303. |
52:620:483Entrepreneurship: New Venture Creation and the Internet (3) Concentrates on how new businesses begin. The main objectives are (1) understanding entrepreneurs, (2) seeking and evaluating opportunities for new ventures, and (3) marshaling resources to convert these opportunities into businesses. Students interview an entrepreneur and write a business plan for a new venture they have chosen. Also may examine new opportunities created by the Internet. (Formerly Small Business Management) |
52:620:484Intrapreneurship (3) Intrapreneurship is the creation and launching of a new business within an established firm. To survive in today`s competitive world, innovation is essential. Yet established firms often have considerable difficulty moving new products out quickly enough, responding to new market opportunities, or taking advantage of new technologies. Examines the strategic issues of the right focus for innovation, the appropriate modes of development, the timing of technological or market transitions, and the building of new core businesses. Covers the human and organizational aspects of the entrepreneurial process as well as the development of innovative products for new markets. Develops entrepreneurial skills in large, established companies. Corequisite: 52:620:483. |
52:620:485Entrepreneurship: Implementation and Operation (3) Examines the challenges of building and managing a new venture from inception to growth and expansion. Through case studies of actual growing businesses, readings, cases, and guest speakers, students apply management skills to the problems and opportunities facing companies in different stages of development. Included are such issues as working capital, delegation without abdication, family businesses, boards of directors in private companies, strategic alliances with larger companies, and marketing a new product in a new market. Develops entrepreneurial skills in small companies. Corequisite: 52:620:483. |
52:620:486Entrepreneurship: Application (3) Practical course in which students work independently, with guidance from the instructor, on consulting or projects in an entrepreneurial setting. The course has an in-class component of instruction. Prerequisite: 52:620:483. |
52:620:487Independent Study in Management (BA) Individual study under the supervision of the management faculty, usually on a specified project or paper, to deepen and broaden the student`s professional horizon and enrich the educational experience. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. |
52:620:488Strategic Management of Technology and Ecommerce (3) Explores the challenges faced by a general manager in the creation and exploitation of new technologies and innovations. The first module of the course deals with technology evolution, forecasting, and assessment of new technologies; creation of technological competencies; organization of the innovation process; and strategies for exploiting innovations. The second module analyzes the strategic and organizational implications of ecommerce and emerging innovations. |
52:620:489Corporate Reorganization and Turnaround Strategy (3) Examines the financial and accounting correlates of corporate insolvency; develops strategies for turning around a firm, including accounting, financial, legal, management, and marketing policies; and illustrates the concepts through several case studies. |
52:620:490Mergers and Acquisitions (3) Explores the incentives and processes for using various modes of corporate development to achieve corporate strategic objectives; use of mergers, acquisitions, and alliances for corporate growth and capability building; analytical techniques used in corporate development decisions as well as process issues, such as negotiation strategies, competitive bidding, and postmerger integration; problems faced in managing acquisitions; and alternative modes of market entry, such as joint ventures and internal development. |
52:620:491,492Special Topics in Management (3,3) Designed to integrate course materials, introduce newer philosophies and techniques in management, and apply them to selected problems. Extensive readings and research reports required. Topics vary from term to term. |
52:620:493Supply Chain Strategy (3) Examines how to improve supply chain interactions in various functional areas (such as engineering, information systems, logistics, operations, purchasing, and sales) across a range of industries; implementation of integrated supply chain strategy. Prerequisite: 52:620:312. |
52:620:495Honors Thesis in Management (3,3) Individual research or reading project. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. |
52:620:497Management Internship (3) A structured practical program conducted by a business in cooperation with the School of Business-Camden. Prerequisites: Cumulative grade-point average of 3.0; permission of internship director. |