Students will be placed for student teaching only after each of the following has occurred:
1. A complete and accurate application for student teaching
(along with two copies of the personal data sheet) has been submitted
by the deadline.
2. Proof of a valid, current negative
Mantoux test or its equivalent has been submitted. (Mantoux results are
valid for four years.)
3. Two letters of recommendation
from faculty members at Rutgers-Camden, outside the Teacher Preparation
Program, have been submitted. (Postbaccalaureate students may submit
recommendations from faculty members of the Teacher Preparation Program
or from faculty of a previous institution.)
4. The student has maintained a minimum 2.8 GPA overall and in the major academic concentration.
5. The Teacher Preparation Program office has received, from the
student`s major adviser, the packet of three forms entitled Adviser`s
Major GPA Verification Form (found in the student teaching application
packet). The adviser, not the student, is to return these forms
directly to the Teacher Preparation Program office. The student is
urged to check with the adviser to verify that this form has been
returned to the teacher preparation office.
6. The
teacher preparation office has not received from the dean of student
affairs office evidence that the student has a documented history of
infractions vis-à-vis the Student Code of Conduct.
The student has met personally with either the director or associate
director. (Students will receive a letter approximately six to seven
months before the student teaching term requesting an appointment.)