50:705:350Nursing I (D) (6) Introduces the practice of professional nursing. The philosophy and conceptual framework of the Department of Nursing are utilized in focusing on health and wellness needs in individuals and the nurse`s role in promotion and conservation of health and the prevention of disease, disability, and problems of daily living. Corequisite: 50:705:351 or 385. Fall, junior year. |
50:705:351Nursing I Clinical Laboratory (D) (4) A variety of laboratory settings used to apply the theory of health promotion and conservation as well as the prevention of disease, disability, and problems of daily living. Corequisite: 50:705:350. Fall, junior year. |
50:705:355Nursing II (D) (6) Focuses on the care of clients throughout the life cycle who have basic alterations in health status. Stresses a multidimensional approach and encompasses the conservation of health, the prevention of illness, and the amelioration of the health status of the client. The restoration of health a major focus. Prerequisites: 50:705:350, 351. Corequisite: 50:705: 356. Spring, junior year. |
50:705:356Nursing II Clinical Laboratory (D) (4) Several clinical settings used for laboratory experience. The student applies classroom theory in caring for selected clients and searches the literature for latest findings that facilitate the delivery of health care. Prerequisites: 50:705:350, 351. Corequisite: 50:705: 355. Spring, junior year. |
50:705:358Conceptual Foundations of Professional Practice (D) (6) Planned for the advanced placement student (registered nurse) as an adult learner and builds on the R.N.`s professional experiences while focusing on the socialization and transition into the role of the baccalaureate-prepared professional nurse. Importance of research and other intellectual skills to create and apply nursing knowledge stressed. For registered nurses. Corequisite: 50:990:357 or 26: 120:547. |
50:705:411Research in Nursing (3) Assists the student in understanding the theory and process of research. Includes exploration of research designs and methods, data analysis, and the utilization of research findings. Focus on the student as a consumer of research. Prerequisites: 50:705:355, 356; statistics. |
50:705:470Nursing III (D) (6) Focuses on the care of clients throughout the life cycle who have impairments in health status. Emphasis placed upon biological, psychological, sociocultural, and spiritual needs of the client adapting to the acute phase of illness. The concepts of conservation, prevention, restoration, and amelioration utilized, with the focus on restoration. Prerequisites: 50:705:355, 356. Corequisite: 50:705: 471. Fall, senior year. |
50:705:471Nursing III Clinical Laboratory (D) (4) Several clinical settings used. Students expected to reach beyond their clinical settings to the literature and to collaborate with other professionals in order to plan and implement effective care for clients. Prerequisites: 50:705:355, 356. Corequisite: 50:705: 470. Fall, senior year. |
50:705:475Nursing IV (D) (6) Promotes independence in the practice of nursing through conceptualization of the leadership role of the professional nurse in meeting the health care needs of various societal groups. Community aspects related to psychological, sociocultural, and spiritual influence, the influence of the health system, and the roles of health providers examined. Prerequisites: 50:705:470, 471. Corequisite: 50:705: 476. Spring, senior year. |
50:705:476Nursing IV Clinical Laboratory (D) (4) Focuses on health promotion and teaching as related to individual and group interactions. A variety of clients in community settings affords an opportunity to implement the nursing process and to collaborate with colleagues in professional practice. Students expected to be self-directed in their learning activities and to develop skills in leadership and the change process as an aid to the transition from the role of student to that of practitioner. Prerequisites: 50:705:470, 471. Corequisite: 50:705: 475. Spring, senior year. |
50:705:480Special Topics (3) Focuses on selected topics; content varies by term. Topics have included history of nursing and specialized nursing practice. Spring or fall, junior and senior years. |
50:705:489Pharmacology (3) Role of nurses in promoting responsible use of chemicals to enhance health while minimizing detrimental effects. Content covers basic concepts of pharmacology, major drug groups, and their use in practice. Nursing implications stressed. Prerequisites: 50:990:253-254. |
50:705:491Issues in Nursing (3) An overview of issues that face the profession, including union or professional representatives, client advocacy, continuing education, moral and ethical concerns, and accountability. As new issues arise and old issues are resolved, course content is altered. Senior year. |