To major in history, students must complete 42 credits of courses. These courses must include the basic departmental surveys, 50: 510:101,102 and 50:512:201,202. They also must include 50:510:299 Perspectives on History (which students must take no later than the sophomore year); and a senior seminar 50:510:481 or 50:512:481.
The remaining 24 credits should be distributed as follows: at least 12 at the 300 to 400 level; at least 6 (of the 24) in the 510 area; and at least 6 (of the 24) in the 512 area. Students who wish to major in history are advised that, because only a limited number of courses are offered in the evening, they may have to take day session and summer session history courses to complete their major requirements in a timely fashion.
Those students seeking certification in teaching should be aware that a requirement is to take a course from a selection dealing with human and intercultural relations. Several history courses may be counted for this purpose and for the history major.
Grades lower than C do not count toward fulfillment of the history major requirements.