Students seeking teacher certification in music must complete the following requirements for music. For details regarding admission to the Teacher Preparation Program and its requirements, students should consult both their program director and the director of the Teacher Preparation Program.
50:700:161-162 Basic Musicianship I,II (2,2)
50:700:202-Introduction to Music (3) (or credit by examination)
50:700:203Introduction to World Music (3) or 50: 700:413 World Music (3)
50:700:225-226Music Theory I,II (3,3)
50:700:292,293History of Music I,II (3,3)
50:700:329Introduction to Conducting (2)
50:701:161,162, 261,262 Piano (1,1,1,1) and/or pass keyboard proficiency examination
50:701:340Repertory Singers (3)
50:701:471Instrumental Methods: Percussion (3)
50:701:478Instrumental Methods: Strings (3)
50:701:488Instrumental Methods: Woodwinds (3)
50:701:494Instrumental Methods: Brass (3)
50:964:443Methods and Issues in Teaching Music (3)
Attendance at 10 college recitals or concerts each academic year.