A minor in African-American Studies requires that students complete 18 credits.
The following courses are required for the minor:
50:512:203 African-American History I (R) (3)
50:512:204 African-American History II (R) (3)
Students must select four courses from the following list of courses:
50:014:130 Introduction to African-American Studies (3)
50:014:300 Slave Narratives (3)
50:014:301 The Era of the Harlem Renaissance (3)
50:014:364 The African-American Political Tradition (3)
50:014:381 Special Topics in African-American Studies (3)
50:014:401 Special Topics: Service Learning (3)
50:070:356 Peoples and Cultures of Africa (3)
50:082:285 Art of Africa (3)
50:202:337 The Poor, Minorities, and Justice (3)
50:352:250 African-American Literature I (3)
50:352:251 African-American Literature II (3)
50:352:350 African-American Writing in Its Social Context (3)
50:352:451 Major African-American Writers (3)
50:510:241 Precolonial Africa (3)
50:510:242 Africa since 1800 (3)
50:512:340 The Civil Rights Movement (3)
50:512:430 African-American Culture (3)
50:790:335 Government and Politics of Sub-Saharan Africa (3)
50:830:203 The Psychology of Minority Groups (3)
50:840:216 African-American Religion (3)
50:920:216 Africana Philosophy (3)
50:920:316 Race and Ethnicity (3)
50:975:204 Poverty and Urban Environmental Systems (3)
50:975:219 History of the Ghetto and American Slums (3)