These courses are conducted in French and are open only to students with demonstrated ability in the French language. These courses satisfy the general curricular requirement of one term of a foreign language or literature. |
50:420:201,202Modern French Readings I,II (G) (3,3) Review of grammar; oral and written practice continued. Extended reading of medium-length works and excerpts from French writers of the 19th and 20th centuries, with discussion of their significance. Prerequisite: 50:420:132 or equivalent. |
50:420:307The French Film in French (G) (3) Study of major French films of the 20th century, with some emphasis on the historical and cultural background. Includes filmmakers from the post-war period, the New Wave, and the postmodern era. May be taken as part of a minor in film studies. |
50:420:335The French Novel I (G) (3) Reading and discussion of major French novels from the origins of the genre to the late 19th century, with some emphasis on the social, philosophical, and scientific thought of the periods. Includes such authors as Lafayette, Diderot, Balzac, Flaubert,and Zola. Prerequisite: 50:420:201 or equivalent. |
50:420:336The French Novel II (G) (3) Reading and discussion of major French novels of the 20th century, with some emphasis on the historical and cultural background. Includes such authors as Gide, Colette, Proust, Sartre, and Camus. Prerequisite: 50:420:201 or equivalent. |
50:420:341The French Drama I (G) (3) Study of the French theater through reading and discussion of selected plays from the origins of the genre in the Middle Ages to the 19th century. Prerequisite: 50:420:201 or equivalent. |
50:420:342The French Drama II (G) (3) Study of the French theater through reading and discussion of selected plays from the 19th century to the present time. Prerequisite: 50:420:201 or equivalent. |
50:420:353,354Individual Study in French (G) (BA,BA) Independent study guided by a member of the faculty, intended to provide opportunity for advanced students to investigate areas not covered in the regular curriculum. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. |
50:420:360French Civilization (G) (3) Historical study of the people and culture of France and an examination of French values and attitudes as seen in the literature, arts, and institutions of the country. Prerequisite: 50:420:132 or equivalent when conducted in French. May be given in English; language announced during preregistration. |
50:420:396Honors Program in French (G) (3) |
50:420:421French Literature of the Classical Era (G) (3) Reading and analysis of major works of the classical era, including such authors as Pascal, Corneille, Racine, Molière, Lafayette, Voltaire, Diderot, and Rousseau. Prerequisites: 50:420:201,202 or 203,204 or permission of instructor. |
50:420:441Nineteenth-Century French Literature (G) (3) Study of the nature and background of the major literary movements of the 19th century: romanticism, realism, naturalism, and symbolism. Study of selected works by such authors as Hugo, Sand, Balzac, Stendhal, Baudelaire, Flaubert, Zola, Verlaine, and others. Prerequisites: 50:420:201,202 or 203,204 or permission of instructor. |
50:420:451Twentieth-Century French Literature (G) (3) Study of major literary movements of the 20th century: modernism, surrealism, existentialism, literature of the absurd, and "nouveau roman." Reading and analysis of works by such authors as Gide, Proust, Apollinaire, Valéry, Giraudoux, Colette, Sartre, Malraux, Camus, Sarraute, Ionesco, Duras, and others. Prerequisites: 50:420:201,202 or 203,204 or permission of instructor. |
50:420:495,496Honors Program in French (G) (3,3) Prerequisite: Permission of department chairperson. |