3-3 Program A B.A./J.D. is also
possible as part of a dual-degree program between
the Rutgers Camden College of Arts and Sciences and the Rutgers School of Law-Camden. This program
provides the opportunity for highly talented and qualified students to complete
both a bachelor of arts degree and a juris doctor degree in six years rather than seven. Dual
B.A./J.D. students complete all general education requirements and all
requirements for a major in the Camden College of Arts and Sciences in three years. If
determined to be qualified, they then enter the law school. Their first-year
required law courses complete the requirements for the bachelor of arts, which
they receive at the end of their fourth year of study. Applicants to Rutgers School of Law-Camden from the dual-degree program should present evidence of
strong analytic and writing skills. The website for the program is http://www.camden.rutgers.edu/RUCAM/facinfo/BA-JD_program.html.