Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School–Camden
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Degree Requirements
Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Actuarial Sciences
Applied Computing
Biology 120
Biology, Computational and Integrative 121
Business and Science 137
Chemistry 160
Childhood Studies 163
Computer Science 198
Creative Writing 200
Criminal Justice 202
English 350, 352, 354, 615, 842
Foreign Languages 410
History 512
Industrial Mathematics
Liberal Studies 606
Mathematical Sciences 645
Physical Therapy 742
Psychology 830
Public Affairs 824
Public Administration 834, 831
Dual-Degree Programs
Admission Requirements
Degree Requirements
Transfer Credits
Scholastic Standing
Financial Aid
Graduate Courses (834)
Executive M.P.A. Courses (831)
School of Business–Camden
School of Social Work: Master of Social Work (M.S.W.) Program
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Graduate School–Camden 2013–2015 Programs, Faculty, and Courses Public Administration 834, 831 Graduate Courses (834)  

Graduate Courses (834)

56:834:501 Foundations of Policy Analysis (3) Reviews major substantive theories of public choice and public policymaking and critically examines them from a logical and theoretical perspective. It deals with conceptual foundations of the policy process, the rationales for public policy, and the crafting of alternative policies.
56:834:503 Law and Public Policy (3) Examines the place of law in the formulation, articulation, and enforcement of public policy, principally at the federal and state level.
56:834:505 Organizational Behavior (3) Examines organizational behavior of individuals and groups/teams and the organizational  context in which that behavior takes place. Organizational theories and behavioral theories and approaches are discussed, including seminal historical works and more current treatments.
56:834:515 Introduction to Public Budgeting and Finance (3) This course examines the process, structures, and underlying logic of financial administration in the public sector.  It focuses on the principles of public finance, economics, and accounting as they pertain to public budgeting and the budgetary process.
56:834:521 Directed Study (3) Requires a public policy paper or written administrative analysis. May be substituted for 56:834:675 Research Workshop when, for good cause, a student is unable to attend the workshop. The topic and an outline of the paper must be filed with the M.P.A. director by the end of the third week of the student's final semester. Prerequisites: Approval of M.P.A. chair; permission of instructor.
56:834:522 Educational Supervision of Instruction (3) Provides a foundation upon which aspiring school administrators can evaluate the effectiveness of teacher instruction at all grade levels and support the growth and development of teachers. The course examines models of effective instruction, the theoretical underpinnings of supervision, and best instructional practices that would inform effective instruction. 
56:834:525 Public Management (3) This course examines contemporary management approaches, techniques, and skills for managing various kinds of public organizations. Decision making, administrative leadership, planning, implementation, evaluation, and ethics are key topics.
56:834:535 Research Methods (3) Examines research and methodology as a practical skill for public administrators. Topics include research design, descriptive and differential statistics, regression, and qualitative research. Students will learn and use a computer statistical package. Pre- or corequisite: Introductory statistics course.
56:834:536 Public Information Systems (3) This course examines knowledge management in learning organizations, strategic planning for information systems and technology, organizational learning and training, and effective project implementation and evaluation. 
56:834:541,542 Internship I,II (3,3) Direct experience with public agencies; individual internships, under faculty supervision, in policymaking agencies. Prerequisite: 56:834:501 or permission of instructor.
56:834:543 Educational Policy and Leadership Internship I (3)

For students in the educational policy and leadership concentration and required for principal certification for those matriculated prior to September 1, 2008. Students will intern with school principals and work under their supervision. Students will be expected to participate in all administrative functions including curriculum leadership, professional development, supervision of instruction, pupil personnel services, personnel management, policy development, scheduling, school finance and law, student supervision, and technical administrative skills. Students must log 150 hours, develop a portfolio, and prepare a professional development plan.

56:834:544 Educational Policy and Leadership Internship II (6)

For students in the educational policy and leadership concentration and required for principal certification for those matriculated after September 1, 2008. Students will intern with school principals and work under their supervision. Students will be expected to participate in all administrative functions including curriculum leadership, professional development, supervision of instruction, pupil personnel services, personnel management, policy development, scheduling, school finance and law, student supervision and technical administrative skills. Students must log 300 hours, develop a portfolio, and prepare a professional development plan.

56:834:545 Models for Planning and Policy in Education (3) This course addresses the theoretical and practical aspects of policy embedded in school reform. Students will be exposed to the significant issues of policy, practice, and implementation, including the improvement of teaching and learning; teacher training; leadership, finance, equity, and excellence; community engagement; partnerships; parental involvement; and restructuring schools and school time. Through discussions and group projects, students will review and discuss the implications of current federal, state, and local policies relevant to a number of aspects of education, including early care and education, school performance and standards-based accountability, school choice, and school finance.
56:834:546 Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Education (3) Given the many changes in the educational landscape and the choice movement in public education, this course provides students with an overview of the different opportunities for new ventures in public education. Students will explore ideas for innovation in education and learn new competencies in critical areas such as fundraising, development, leadership, and best practices in education. Students  will be exposed to important business practices, such as writing a business plan, structuring a capital development plan, and engaging in creative financing for large-scale projects. The course features guest speakers who have been successful in launching entrepreneurial ventures--in and out of schools. Emphasis will be placed on areas of supervision of teachers and innovation in instructional practice.
56:834:547 Creating a Culture of Continuous Improvement (3) This course highlights the key elements that have proven successful in the delivery of high-quality teaching and learning. Students will be able to explore and discuss a variety of strategies for initiating and sustaining improvements in teaching and learning--including content-focused professional development, content and performance standards, market models, strategic planning, parental engagement, and accountability systems. The course will expose students to current research and practice related to school improvement and organizational culture building, as well as to the key competencies that are necessary to sustain improvement in schools and school systems. Special focus will be placed on the areas of curriculum and instruction, specifically as it relates to curriculum development. Course requirements include observation and analysis of classroom practice, development of case studies based on actual practice, and a final project addressing schoolwide improvement.
56:834:548 Developing Curriculum for Deep Learning (3) In this course students analyze and apply principles for designing curricula that focus on developing deep, flexible, and creative understanding. This course aims to construct a useful bridge between theory and practice. Participant apply their emerging understanding to a project that applies course learning.
56:834:549 Curriculum Leadership (3) This course focuses on a historical overview of the major curriculum approaches; introduces students to key theories about leadership of organizational change as theory applies to schools; and introduces students to key principles in standards-driven reform.
56:834:552 Health Care Management (3) Introduces theory, history, and organization of the health care delivery system. Key ethical, legal, technological, financial, and organizational issues that confront health care organizations are addressed. Introduction to key managerial functions of health care administrators: planning and strategy making, organizing, quality and administrative control, financial management, and human resources management. Emphasis on external trends and forces affecting health care organizations.
56:834:553 Financial Management of Public Programs (3) Examines the application of budgeting, costs, term financing, and investment management practices, and the importance of the accounting, reporting, and auditing functions.
Prerequisite: 56:834:515.
56:834:556 International Negotiations (3) Examines both the substance and the process of international negotiations--principally negotiations between or among governments.  The course will cover substantive areas from among the following: arms control, trade, peace and conflict, and environmental negotiations. The course will move from the analysis of simple, bilateral negotiations with only a few issues in contention to complex multilateral negotiations.  Primarily for international public service and  development students. To be completed over two semesters.
56:834:557 Human Resource Management (3) Examines the relationship between employers, employees, and their labor relations organizations in government and the nonprofit sector.  Focuses on the roles of leadership and direction of employees and the impact of collective negotiations on critical issues of public policy and civil service organizations.
56:834:558 Leadership and Communication Skills (3) Strengths and limitations of various leadership theories. Awareness of personal learning, leadership, influence, and communication styles. Develops leadership skills through interpersonal exercises and through course projects involving current managerial and political issues. Communication skills involving writing, speaking, meetings, media relations, and strategic planning emphasized.
56:834:559 Ethics in Government (3) Basic survey of the ethical values, theories, policies, laws, and institutions shaping government ethics, focused on the role, duties, and responsibilities of the public administrator.
56:834:560 Managerial Survival Skills (3) Conceptual and practical approach to acquiring and refining managerial skills. Coping with organizational politics, managing job stress, managing limited time, delegating effectively, and building and managing a professional career. Readings, lectures, hands-on skill practice, and evaluation of performance.
56:834:561 Ethical Issues in Health Care Delivery (3) Exploration of ethical perspectives that can be applied to leading ethical issues in health, such as allocation of scarce and expensive medical resources, patient rights and organizational responsibilities, implications of health technology, and issues surrounding death.
56:834:570 Labor-Management Relations in the Private and Public Sectors (3) Analysis of the structure and development of labor-management relationships in the United States and abroad, focusing on both private industry and governmental organizations. Explores history and the surrounding law while focusing on the negotiation and administration of collective bargaining agreements, related micro- and macroeconomic problems, and issues that accompany the growth of the nonunion sector in both private and public sectors.
56:834:600 Education Law and Finance (3) This course will focus on the legal and school finance issues concerning K-12 education and schools. It provides aspiring school leaders with the knowledge and skills that are necessary to adequately address legal and finance issues in schools.
56:834:601,602,603,604,606,607,608,610 Colloquium in Public Policy and Administration I,II,III,IV,VI,VII, VIII, X (3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3) Intensive examination of a specific area of public policy concern or of specific trends in public policy analysis; individual research. Specific seminar topics include health administration, transportation, housing policy, productivity, energy policy, judicial management, international management, international financial management, administrative communication, environmental policy, community leadership, and comparative public policy.
56:834:605 Nongovernmental Organization Management (3) This course examines conceptual and analytic issues related to managing nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) both in the United States and abroad, and how these issues are addressed. Develops skills in the use of several basic management techniques and tools particularly relevant to NGO strategic management, fundraising, and governance.
56:834:609 Politics of Commmunity Development (3) This course will examine the scholarly theoretical and empirical community development literature and leading debates in the field, and develop and integrate a critical, political perspective on that literature in order to promote an emerging analytical infrastructure and innovative policy development.
56:834:611 Evaluation Research Seminar (3) Nature, logic, and the role of evaluation research in the policy analysis and policy research process; evaluation design, criteria, units of measurement, and ways of devising appropriate social indicators and measures; strategies for implementing research designs; logical problems of analysis. Prerequisite: 56:834:535.
56:834:612,613 Colloquium in Educational Policy and Leadership (3,3) Open to students in the educational policy and leadership concentration. Courses will cover various areas of study in educational policy and administration.
56:834:621 Educational Policy and Leadership (3) Guides students in formulating, researching, and writing a capstone research paper. Integrates the skills and concepts from the core courses as students use quantitative and qualitative methods to analyze a selected policy or administrative problem. Students must have completed 21 M.P.A. credits. Prerequisites: 56:834:501, 505, 525, 535, and permission of instructor.
56:834:650 Special Problems in Public Policy and Administration (3) Available in lieu of internships and conducted by arrangement with specific instructor. Prerequisites: Completion of core examination and approval of M.P.A. director.
56:834:670 International Conflict and Conflict Resolution (3) This course will analyze emerging trends and patterns in global conflict, as well as consider the prospects for peace in an evolving world order. We will explore issues of security, identity, and equity with the objective of gaining an integrated understanding of the interplay of these critical dimensions of conflict.
56:834:675 Research Workshop (3) Guides students in formulating, researching, and writing a capstone research paper. Integrates the skills and concepts from the core courses as students use quantitative and qualitative methods to analyze a selected policy or administrative problem. Students must have completed 21 M.P.A. credits. Prerequisites: 56:834:501, 505, 525, 535, and permission of instructor.
56:834:676 International Placement and Capstone (9)(3) Guides, integrates, and assesses the lessons of the overseas field placement through a system of advising, discussions, and written reports, which require students to document and assess their international experiences. This web-based course enhances proficiency through the analysis of a specific project, program, or policy relevant to the international placement. It offers the opportunity to apply program management tools in real-life situations. Covers topics such as needs assessment; stakeholder analysis; participatory strategies; feasibility studies; SWOT analysis; program/project design including objectives and logical framework; implementation strategies; monitoring and evaluation; lessons learned; and recommendations for program or policy change. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
56:834:800 Matriculation Continued (0) Continuous registration may be accomplished by enrolling for at least 3 credits in standard course offerings, including research courses, or by enrolling in this course for 0 credits. Students actively engaged in study toward their degree who are using university facilities and faculty time are expected to enroll for the appropriate credits.
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