Materials Chemistry (3)
Introduction to the study of materials, including the relationships between the structures and properties of materials.
Organic Mechanisms: Nucleophiles and Bases (3)
An introduction to nucleophilic organic reaction mechanisms. How to correctly represent a reaction mechanism. Instruction in critical thinking and problem solving to elucidate and critically evaluate organic reaction mechanisms involving nucleophiles and bases.
Prerequisite: 50:160:336 or equivalent.
Organic Mechanisms: Electrophiles and Acids (3)
An introduction to electrophilic organic reaction mechanisms and what they mean. How to correctly represent a reaction mechanism. Instruction in critical thinking and problem solving to elucidate and critically evaluate organic reaction mechanisms involving electrophiles and acids.
Prerequisite: 50:160:336 or equivalent.
Organic Mechanisms: Radicals (3)
An introduction to radical organic reaction mechanisms. How to correctly represent single electron movement in a mechanism. Instruction in critical thinking and problem solving to elucidate and critically evaluate radical mechanisms. This course focuses on radical, single electron, and photochemical reactions.
Prerequisite: 50:160:336 or equivalent.
Advanced Organic Chemistry I (3)
Advanced survey of organic chemistry. Molecular orbital theory, orbital symmetry correlations, structure and stereochemistry of organic molecules, chemistry of reactive intermediates (including free radicals), photochemistry, structure-reactivity relationships, and molecular rearrangements.
Prerequisites: 50:160:335,336, or equivalent.
Advanced Organic Chemistry II (3)
Advanced survey of synthetic transformations and reaction mechanisms.
Organic Analysis (3)
Interpretation and use of infrared, visible, and ultraviolet spectroscopy; mass spectrometry; and nuclear magnetic resonance for the identification of organic compounds. Combination with separation techniques is included.
Introduction to Molecular Modeling (3)
Introduction to the use of computer-assisted molecular modeling techniques for the study of chemical problems; lectures on theoretical principles; instruction in use of modern modeling programs; and computer projects involving solution of chemical problems.
Polymer Chemistry I,II (3,3)
Introduction to the chemistry of macromolecules, aimed at understanding the relationship between molecular structures and properties of high polymers.
Polymer I includes an overview of polymer nomenclature, molecular weight properties, types of polymerization, structure (morphology), characterization, and testing of polymers. Polymer II examines polymer reactivity, polymer physics, smart materials, and biopolymers in more detail.
Prerequisite: 50:160:336 or equivalent.
Polymer Chemistry Laboratory (1)
Instruction in the use of major instrumentation for the characterization of physical properties of high polymers.
Fluorocarbons (3)
Provides a survey of the chemistry of fluorinated organic molecules emphasizing a broad mechanistic basis. Areas covered include comparisons of fluorinated and hydrocarbon compounds; introduction of organofluorine chemistry; preparation of highly fluorinated molecules; partial and selective fluorination, influence of fluorine and fluorocarbon groups on reaction centers; nucleophilic displacement and elimination from fluorocarbon systems: polyfluoroalkanes, -alkenes, and -alkynes; polyfluoroaromatic compounds; organometallic compounds, and 19F nuclear magnetic resonance.
Math Methods of Chemistry (3)
Select aspects of infinite series, vectors and matrices, functions of a
complex variable, differential equations, and integral transforms as
they are used in chemistry.
Prerequisite: 50:160:346 or equivalent.
Atomic and Molecular Structure (3)
Introduction to the ideas of quantum chemistry and their application to the structure and properties of atoms and molecules.
Molecular Spectroscopy (3)
Principles of electronic and vibrational spectroscopy of polyatomic molecules. Emphasis on the ways in which spectra yield information about molecular properties.
Numerical Methods in Chemistry (3)
Numerical integration and differentiation, Taylor series, and Fourier transforms, as used in data analysis in chemistry.
Chemical Statistical Mechanics (3)
Principles, thermodynamics, Fermi and Bose distributions, nonideal gases, phase equilibria, solutions, reactions, fluctuations, and phase transitions.
Density Functional Theory and Applications (3)
Fundamentals of density functional theory. Properties of atoms, molecules, solids, and surfaces. Recent advances.
Surface Chemistry (3)
Experimental spectroscopies, thermodynamics, chemical analysis, structure, phase transitions, optical properties, physisorption, chemisorption, energy transfer, and reactions at surfaces.
Principles of Quantum Chemistry (3)
Schrödinger equation, angular momentum, symmetry, perturbation theory, self-consistent field theory, and molecular quantum mechanics.
Theory of Solids (3)
Band theory, thermodynamics, transport, optical properties, phonons, and magnetism.
Prerequisite: 56:160:537 or equivalent.
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry I,II (3,3)
An introduction to the discipline of inorganic chemistry including periodic properties, bonding theory, solids, redox, acid/base chemistry, and coordination chemistry. Semester two includes details on reaction mechanisms, spectroscopy, magnetism, and stereochemistry, as applied to inorganic compounds with an emphasis on coordination compounds of transition metals.
Symmetry Applications in Chemistry (3)
Principles and applications of molecular and crystal symmetry. Topics include point groups, character tables, representations of groups, and other aspects of group theory; symmetry applications in structure and bonding; molecular orbital theory and ligand field theory; and selection rules for electronic, vibrational, and rotational spectroscopy.
NMR Spectroscopy (3)
Introduction to the physical principles
underlying one of the most widespread and useful tools for chemical
analysis. Starting from the descriptions
of the phenomenon, a physical picture of NMR experiments in liquids
will be
developed and the connection between the concepts and actual laboratory
practices will be emphasized. The course
will include: roles of chemical shifts,
couplings, and relaxation effects in analysis of chemical structure and
bonding. Two-dimensional NMR will
explain what happens, how the experiment is selected, and how data is
interpreted. A survey of solid state NMR and some emerging
technologies will be discussed.
Prerequisites: 50:160:326 and 346, or equivalent.
X-Ray Crystallography (3)
Introductory course in the principles and applications of X-ray crystallography to structural chemistry. Topics include symmetry properties of crystals, space groups, determination of crystal structure by X-ray diffraction, and analysis of X-ray photographic and diffraction data.
Solid-State Chemistry (3)
Theoretical and experimental aspects of solids. Topics include synthetic and crystal growth methods; solid-state structures; structure characterizations; phase diagrams; band theory; and selected chemical, physical, and electric properties of solids.
Inorganic Chemistry of Less Familiar Elements (3)
Chemistry and associated correlations with spectroscopy, kinetics, thermodynamics, structure, reaction mechanisms, and chemical properties of the less frequently studied elements.
Electrochemistry (3)
Theory and applications of electrochemical principles and techniques, including voltametry, potentiometry, chronopotentiometry, and spectroelectrochemistry.
Radiochemistry and Radiation Chemistry (3)
Interactions of ionizing radiation with matter and the resulting radiation-induced chemical reactions: excitation, ionization, free radical formation and recombination; chemical consequences of nuclear reactions; and "hot atom" chemistry.
Prerequisite: 50:160:415 or equivalent.
Radiation and Nuclear Chemistry (3)
Study of nuclear reactions and ionizing radiation and its effects on the chemistry of matter. Microscale manipulations, physical aspects, target fabrications, compound syntheses, detectors, and other specialized techniques investigated.
Special Topics in Chemistry (BA,BA)
Subject matter varies according to the interest of the instructor and is drawn from areas of current interest.