Note: The letters (F) or (S), which precede a course title, indicate that the course is offered during the fall or spring semester, respectively. Some courses are presented occasionally (Oc).
(S) Estuarine Biology (3)
Biology of estuarine organisms, with emphasis on the different behavioral, physiological, mechanical, and structural strategies used to live and reproduce in the species-restrictive estuarine environment. Basic ecological features that make estuaries unique and particularly important as nursery areas for fish and shellfish species are discussed, as well as human impact on estuaries.
Prerequisites: Ecology, college chemistry, or permission of instructor.
(F) Marine Biology (4)
Physical, chemical, and biological description of benthic and pelagic marine ecosystems, with emphasis on ecological factors that allow selected species to survive in particular environments. Several field trips coordinated with class meetings; taught on Saturdays.
Lec. 3 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisites: Chemistry and ecology or permission of instructor.
(F) Plant Geography (4)
Vegetation regions and principal subdivisions of North America; environments, ecology, plant cover, flora. Includes a three-day field trip to the northern Appalachians.
Sem./lec. 5 hrs. Prerequisites: Botany and ecology.
(S) Cell Physiology (4)
Analysis of functional activities of cells, with special emphasis on problems of cell permeability, cell-environment interactions, cell excitability and conduction, and secretion.
Lec. 3 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: General physiology or biochemistry.
(F) Cytogenetics (4)
Topics include chromosome structure and cell division, chromosomes in sex determination, chromosomal aberrations, induction of mutations, and chromosomes as research tools. Laboratory studies include the preparation of metaphase and anaphase chromosomes, banding and labeling procedures, and the analysis of chromosomal abnormalities.
Lec. 3 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: Genetics.
(S) Cell Ultrastructure and Function (3)
Introduction to the methodologies employed in the study of cell organelles and their function, using selected cell types to emphasize basic methods of preparation of materials for electron-microscopical, X-ray diffraction, histochemical, and radioautographic studies.
Lec. 2 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: Microbiology, cell biology, or histology.
(F) Ichthyology (4)
Classification, anatomy, physiology, ecology, and behavior of fishes, with particular emphasis on ecology and classification of species present in eastern North America and along the Atlantic coast.
Lec. 3 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
(F) Mammalian Physiology (3)
Detailed study of several areas in mammalian physiology through lecture and student presentation of selected research reports.
Lec. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: General physiology or human physiology.
(S) Population Genetics (3)
Experimental approaches to measuring gene frequencies in animal and plant populations; changing genetic profiles in evolving populations.
Prerequisite: Genetics.
(S) Field Ecology (3)
Field study of major plant and animal communities in the general area of either Everglades National Park, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, or the mid-Atlantic states. Visits to research institutions may be included.
Prerequisite: A course in ecology or permission of instructor. Registration limited. Occurs during 10 days of spring recess.
(S) Human Genetics (3)
Principles of human heredity. Topics include genetic aspects of health and disease, birth defects, metabolic disorders, modes of inheritance, molecular and biochemical analyses, genomics and proteomics. Case studies will be discussed.
Lec. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: Genetics or molecular biology or permission of instructor.
(S) Immunology (3)
Immunoglobulin gene rearrangements and antibody diversity; antibody structure; antibody-antigen interactions; monoclonal antibodies and immunoconjugates; immunochemistry techniques; cellular immunology; viruses of the immune system.
Prerequisite: Microbiology or cell biology or cell physiology.
(alternate S) Cell and Tissue Culture (3)
Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.
(S) Topics in Quantitative Biology (3)
Designed primarily for those students without much prior experience in the use of quantitative methods for the analysis and interpretation of biological data; topics include sampling, experimental design, hypothesis testing, and analysis of variance.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
(S) Advanced Aquatic Ecology (3)
Study of biological, chemical, and physical aspects of inland water bodies with emphasis on streams, rivers, and standing water bodies of the region.
Prerequisites: Ecology and inorganic chemistry.
(S) Molecular Genetics of Microorganisms (4)
Surveys the genetics of bacteria, bacteriophages, and lower eucaryotes. Topics include general features of the genetic code, phage genetics, structure and replication of phage nucleic acids, extrachromosomal genetic elements, gene transfer in bacteria, and genetic analysis in lower eucaryotes.
Lec. 3 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
(S) Molecular Carcinogenesis (3)
Detailed examination and discussion of the molecular mechanisms underlying the initiation, promotion, and progression of cancer. Topics include cancer genetics, signal transduction, mutagenesis, and molecular therapies.
Lec. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: Genetics or molecular biology or permission of instructor.
(F) Biology of Parasitic Protozoa (2)
Examination of the morphology, cell biology, and life history of various parasitic protozoans of humans and other animals. Topics include immune mechanisms, control measures, pathology, and the social and economic impacts of infection.
Prerequisite: Invertebrate zoology or parasitology.
(S) Biology of Parasitic Worms (2)
Survey of the parasitic worms infecting humans and other animals. Emphasis placed on the transmission and reproductive strategies of the parasites, immune mechanisms, pathologic consequences, behavioral and other changes in the host, and the social and economic impact of parasites.
Prerequisite: Invertebrate zoology or parasitology.
(F) Advanced Cell and Developmental Biology (3)
In-depth discussion of selected topics in cell and developmental biology. Topics include gene expression and its regulation, stem cell research, mechanisms of embryonic induction, cell adhesion, cell motility, and neoplastic transformation.
Lec. 3 hrs. Prerequisites: Cell biology and embryology.
(S) Advanced Cell and Developmental Biology (3)
In-depth discussion of selected topics in cell and developmental biology. Topics include gene regulation in development, cell reproductions, cell differentiation, neoplastic transformation, cell interaction, morphogenesis, pattern formation, and cell aging and senescence.
Prerequisites: Cell biology and embryology.
(Oc) Biological Basis of Behavior (3)
An investigation of the neurobiological basis of behavior with a focus on, but not exclusive, nonmammalian species.
Prerequisite: A course in neurobiology. A course in animal behavior is useful.
(F) Neuroscience (4)
Advanced study of the human nervous system; its role in normal motor function. Influence of neurophysiology, embryology, and histology in normal and abnormal development explored. Response of nervous system to disease and trauma assessed.
Lec. 3 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: 56:742:510 or permission of instructor.
(F,S) Neurobiology (3,3)
Study of the structure and function of nervous systems, including membrane properties of electrically excitable cells, mechanisms of synaptic transmission between neurons, and the neuroanatomical and functional organization of the mammalian brain.
Prerequisite: General physiology or cell biology.
(S) Endocrinology (3)
Endocrinology and neuroendocrinology. The structure and function of the endocrine glands, including the hypothalamus, and the biosynthesis and mechanisms of hormones.
Prerequisite: Cell or systems physiology.
(F) Global Climate Change (3)
Multidisciplinary discussions of a variety of topics concerning climate change: whether it is fact or fiction; the effects of climate change and pollution on ecosystems and populations; prediction of the consequences of climate change; and the ecological, social, economic, and legal repercussions of this worldwide problem.
Sem./lec. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
(F) Neurochemistry (3)
Topics include properties of membranes, myelination, axonal transport, analysis of neurotransmitter receptor binding, physiological effector mechanisms of receptors, and neurotransmitter synthesis and metabolism.
Lec. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: General physiology or cell biology.
(F) Fungi in Ecosystems (3)
Introduction to the complexities of ecosystem function and the role fungi play in these processes. The impact of fungi on primary production, secondary production, population and community regulation, and their interactions with environmental pollutants will be discussed.
Lec. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: General ecology or permission of instructor.
(S) Recombinant DNA Technology (3)
Examination of recombinant DNA technology and its utility in specific medical and industrial applications, as well as its use in basic research. Topics include discussion of in vitro mutagenesis, heterologous gene expression in a variety of hosts, disease diagnosis, and gene therapies using genetic engineering, as well as the ecological/societal impacts of DNA technology.
Lec. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: Molecular biology or permission of instructor.
(S) Life at Extremes (3)
Analysis of adaptations of organisms to extreme environments. Principles of evolution and biology as illustrated by unusual adaptations.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
(F) Population Ecology (3)
Emphasis placed on terrestrial vertebrates and arthropods; focus on patterns and determinants of population dynamics, ecological variation among populations, and the processes affecting community organization and species interactions. Three or four Saturday field trips may replace lectures in those respective weeks. Computer simulations of population dynamics (not requiring computer literacy) and a term paper developed from the recent ecological literature are required.
Prerequisite: Ecology.
(Oc) Advanced Soil Ecology (3)
Prerequisites: A course in ecology and permission of the instructor.
Seminar in Biology (1,1)
Through discussion of papers developed and presented by students, a single topic from the area of cell biology, physiology, or ecology is investigated in depth.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Individual Studies in Biology (BA,BA)
Designed to meet the needs of students who wish to conduct original research projects in biology in addition to, or in lieu of, thesis research. The research project is designed and conducted in consultation with a sponsor from the graduate faculty.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Research in Biology (BA,BA)
Open only to students working on an experimental research problem for the thesis.
Prerequisite: Permission of thesis adviser.
Matriculation Continued (0)
Continuous registration may be accomplished by enrolling for at least 3 credits in standard course offerings, including research courses, or by enrolling in this course for 0 credits. Students actively engaged in study toward their degree who are using university facilities and faculty time are expected to enroll for the appropriate credits.
Graduate Assistantship (E6)
Teaching Assistantship (E6)