Academic Warning, Probation, and Dismissal
Each semester, the Program Committee reviews the scholastic record of all students in the program and decides about warnings, probation, or dismissal. The graduate program director notifies students of any action taken. Students who have a grade below B in a course receive a warning. Students whose records show more than two courses with grades below B or whose GPA is below B may be dismissed.
Student Appeals
Student appeals of decisions of the Program Committee and student grievances must be presented in writing to the program director within one month of the decisions. Acceptable grounds for appeal are technical errors, new information, or extenuating circumstances. Students are allowed to meet the committee and are permitted to be represented by an adviser from the university community. In consultation with the Graduate Committee and all parties to the dispute, the program director proposes a resolution of the matter. If no resolution is found, the full members of the graduate program will make a decision. A student may further appeal to the dean of the Graduate School-Camden.
Student Complaints about Grades
Student complaints about grades are handled according to the regulations of the Graduate School-Camden.