Primary Care of Adults and the Aged Nursing
Primary Care of Adults and the Aged Theory I (3)
Advanced specialized knowledge relevant to young, middle-aged, and older adult clients examined for design and management of clients. Theories and research related to adult response patterns across states of health critiqued.
Prerequisites: 26:705:504, 510, 520; 26:120:547. Pre- or corequisites: 26:705:506, 512, 538.
Primary Care of Adults and the Aged Practicum I (3)
Synthesis of theory and research relevant to nursing practice with development of proficiency as advanced practice nurses. Diagnostic reasoning, teaching, and collaborative practice for an adult client population across states of health examined.
Corequisite: 26:705:522.
Primary Care of Adults and the Aged Theory III (3)
Critique of advanced specialized knowledge relevant to nursing of young, middle-aged, and older adults with a focus on management of adult health and illness in primary-care settings. High-frequency health problems emphasized.
Prerequisites: 26:705:522, 523, and 540.
Practicum in Primary Care of Adults and Aged III (3)
Competency in advanced primary-care nursing to adults across the life span with emphasis on management of health and illness, health promotion, disease prevention, chronic illness episodes of acute illness in primary-care settings.
Corequisite: 26:705:532.
Primary Health Care Theory II (3)
Builds on graduate core and specialty knowledge to promote cost-effective, quality primary health care where advanced practice nurses are the initial contact for the client within the health care system, promoting client wellness, diagnosing and treating common health deviations, stabilizing chronic health problems, and referring patients to other providers. Focus on women's and men's specific health issues.
Prerequisites: Completion of specialty theory and practicum I courses.
Primary Health Care Practicum II (3)
Continued development of competency in assessment, differential diagnosis, and management of gender-specific health alterations and health-promoting lifestyle changes in women and men.
Corequisite: 26:705:540.
Advanced Practice in Acute Care
Advanced Practice: Acute-Care Theory I (3)
Conceptual model for the practice of advanced nursing care of critically ill adults. Focus on selected physiological and psychological ramifications of trauma and acute illnesses.
Pre- or corequisites: 26:705:504, 510, and 512; 26:120:547.
Advanced Practice: Acute-Care Practicum I (3)
Delivery of advanced acute-care nursing to adults across the life span. Emphasis on advanced practice of ill and injured young, middle-aged, and older adult clients in acute-care settings.
Corequisite: 26:705:627.
Advanced Practice: Acute-Care Theory II (3)
Critique of advanced specialized knowledge relevant to nursing acutely ill and injured young, middle-aged, and older adult clients with focus on management of adult health and illness in acute-care settings.
Prerequisites: 26:705:522, 540, and 628.
Advanced Practice: Acute-Care Practicum II (3)
Continued development of competency in delivery of advanced acute-care nursing to adults across the life span. Emphasis on management of illness and injury within a focus of acute-care and advanced nursing practice roles.
Corequisite: 26:705:629.
Advanced Practice: Acute-Care Theory III (3)
Continued development of expertise in managing life-threatening conditions of acute-care clients.
Prerequisites: 26:705:629 and 630.
Advanced Practice: Acute-Care Practicum III (3)
Continued development of competency in delivery of acute-care nursing across the life span.
Corequisite: 26:705:631.
Community Health Nursing Theory I (3)
Advanced specialized knowledge relevant to nursing care of health promotion and prevention in populations, groups, and individual/family in the community examined. Focus on assessment and analysis of patterns of health, interdisciplinary collaboration, program planning, and policy development.
Prerequisites: 26:705:504, 510, and 520; 26:120:547. Pre- or corequisites: 26:705:506, 512, and 538.
Community Health Nursing Practicum I (3)
Exploration and analysis of community health nursing in a designated community. Emphasis on the health needs of a community; focus on community assessment: the identification of health problems and/or potential problems, planning and implementation of a community program to alleviate the problem(s), and evaluation of the plans.
Corequisite: 26:705:524.
Community Health Nursing Theory II (3)
Advanced specialized knowledge relevant to the design, implementation, and evaluation of programs that address health promotion and prevention in populations, groups, and the individual/family in the community examined. Focus on planning, implementation, evaluation of programs, and services.
Prerequisites: 26:705:524, 525.
Community Health Nursing Practicum II (3)
Application of theory to advanced nursing practice, administration, or education in a community setting. Practicum focused on student-identified role in community health nursing.
Corequisite: 26:705:534.
Advanced Practice in Women's Health (Course sequencing: 26:705:522, 523, 540, 541, 528, and 529)
Primary Care of Adults and the Aged Theory I (3)
See description under Primary Care of Adults and the Aged.
Primary Care of Adults and the Aged Practicum I (3)
See description under Primary Care of Adults and the Aged.
Primary Health Care Theory II (3)
See description under Primary Care of Adults and the Aged.
Primary Health Care Practicum II (3)
See description under Primary Care of Adults and the Aged.
Womens' Health Theory III (3)
Critically examines theories and research findings related to patterns of high-risk childbearing families, including concepts, models, theories, and patterns that focus on high-risk prenatal and neonatal clients and the role of the advanced practice nurse.
Prerequisites: 26:705:526, 527, and 540.
Womens' Health Practicum III (3)
Practicum in advanced practice with childbearing families with application of concepts, models, and theories essential to care of high-risk childbearing families. Focus on comprehensive assessment and intervention, as well as care of mothers, neonates, and their families.
Corequisite: 26:705:528.
Advanced Practice in Pediatric Nursing (Course sequencing: 26:705:526, 527, 540, 541, 536, and 537)
Advanced Practice in Pediatric Nursing Theory I (3)
Synthesis of concepts, models, theories, and patterns essential to advanced family nursing practice examined. Construct for advanced family nursing is individual's and family's expression of primary health during childrearing.
Prerequisites: 26:705:504, 510, and 520; 26:120:547. Pre- or corequisites: 26:705:506, 512, and 538.
Advanced Practice in Pediatric Nursing Practicum I (3)
Application of concepts, models, and theories essential to practice of advanced family nursing with childbearing and child-rearing families. Focus on comprehensive assessment, intervention, and preventive care for child-rearing families.
Corequisite: 26:705:526.
Primary Health Care Theory II (3)
See description under Primary Care of Adults and the Aged.
Primary Health Care Practicum II (3)
See description under Primary Care of Adults and the Aged.
Advanced Practice in Pediatric Nursing Theory III (3)
Critical examination of theories and research findings related to children and their families utilizing a conceptual framework in delivering care to infants, children, adolescents, and families experiencing acute and/or chronic health care problems.
Prerequisites: 26:705:526, 527, and 540.
Advanced Practice in Pediatric Nursing Practicum III (3)
Application of theories and concepts related to acute and/or chronic health problems in care of infants, children, and adolescents. Design and manage nursing interventions, programs, and resources for the delivery of advanced nursing practice in pediatric settings.
Corequisite: 26:705:536.
Family Nurse Practitioner (Course sequencing: 26:705:526, 527, 540, 541, 532, 533, 530, 531, and 544)
Advanced Practice in Pediatric Nursing Theory I (3)
See description under Advanced Practice in Pediatric Nursing.
Advanced Practice in Pediatric Nursing Practicum I (3)
See description under Advanced Practice in Pediatric Nursing.
Primary Health Care Theory II (3)
See description under Primary Care of Adults and the Aged.
Primary Health Care Practicum II (3)
See description under Primary Care of Adults and the Aged.
Primary Care of Adults and the Aged Theory III (3)
Advanced specialized knowledge relevant to nursing of young, middle-aged, and older adults critiqued. Focus on management of adult health and illness in primary-care settings. High frequency health problems emphasized.
Prerequisites: 26:705:540, 541.
Practicum in Primary Care of Adults and the Aged III (3)
Competency in advanced primary care nursing to adults across the life span with an emphasis on management of health and illness, health promotion, disease prevention, and chronic illness episodes of acute illness in primary care settings.
Corequisite: 26:705:532.
Primary Care Management of Families with Episodic Health Needs (3)
Principles of ongoing assessment and primary family nursing care of children, adults, and families with acute episodic common health problems introduced. Concepts relating to individual and family interactions, growth and development, and health patterns of the middle-aged family examined.
Prerequisites: 26:705:532, 533.
Family Episodic Health Needs Practicum (3)
Clinical practice focuses on the delivery of primary health care by the family nurse practitioner to children, adults, and families with episodic health problems. Application of concepts and theories to care of the midlife family and to patterns related to health needs.
Corequisite: 26:705:530.
Families with Chronic Health Problems Practicum (3)
Clinical course focusing on the delivery of primary health care by the family nurse practitioner to children, adults, and their families with chronic health problems. Emphasis on ongoing assessment, management, and patterns of response to chronic illness. The integral relationship between family, community, health-care system, and care of a chronically ill person examined.
Corequisite: 26:705:543.
Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing
Human Behavior: Theory I (3)
Advanced practice role with individuals, families, and therapeutic groups as clients. Behavior patterns in chronic mental health problems; patterns of interventions from biological, psychosocial, and developmental perspectives, as well as relevant research examined.
Prerequisites: 26:705:504, 510, 520; 26:120:547. Pre- or corequisites: 26:750:506, 512, 538.
Human Behavior: Practicum I (3)
Advanced nursing knowledge of individuals, families, and groups applied to advanced nursing practice. Individual and group patterns assessed in order to plan, manage, and evaluate selected clients. Students develop individual learning contracts congruent with College of Nursing and agency policies.
Corequisite: 26:705:514.
Human Behavior: Theory II (3)
Advanced practice role with individuals, families, and therapeutic groups as clients. Behavior patterns in crises and acute mental health problems, patterns of interventions from a short-term perspective, and relevant research examined.
Prerequisites: 26:705:514, 515. Pre- or corequisite: 26:705:540.
Human Behavior: Practicum II (3)
Advanced nursing knowledge of individuals, families, and groups applied to advanced nursing practice. Individual and group patterns of behavior analyzed in order to plan, manage, and evaluate the care of selected clients.
Corequisite: 26:705:516.